1st class software provider for schools, colleges & educational tr
eduFOCUS Ltd is a modern vibrant company that has built an enviable reputation for providing first class services for schools, colleges, educational trusts and Local Authorities since it was incorporated in 2006.
EVOLVE: A fully managed and robust online system that simplifies the process of planning, processing, monitoring, evaluating and reporting of educational and off-site visits. EVOLVE is currently used by more than 23,000 schools, academies, colleges and youth services across England, Scotland and Wales.
Kaddi: A central place for staff at schools, colleges and youth centres to easily plan fun and worthwhile activities and visits for pupils across the UK
EVOLVEaccidentbook: Online incident reporting management system, including medication tracking, care plans, and staff and parent notifications.
Advice and Training: The provision of advice is backed up by a wide range of optional training courses, the majority of which can take place on your school premises, e.g., one-to-one EVC training, whole staff Visits training, Governor training, First Aid training, Fire Marshal training, Safeguarding training, and more. * Provided by our partner EVOLVE Advice Ltd
We''''re a friendly bunch, so why not contact us if you have any questions?