I wish I'd had that when I was at school...
When we describe what it is that we do at This is Creative Enterprise, the response we always get is, “I wish I’d had that when I was at school”... so, what do we do? We work with businesses, schools, colleges and universities to give young people a taste of the opportunities that exist within the commercial creative, design and digital industries.
The students we work with range in age from four up to 24 and the projects we introduce evolve every year to reflect the rate of change in the commercial creative sectors. We like to say we provide an emporium of brilliant ideas, incredible innovation and inspiring opportunities, but we couldn’t fit all that on our business cards. So, this is us, This is Creative Enterprise, providing students with creative innovation through business enterprise.
From our one-day workshops in primary schools to our longer-term projects with secondary school students, the experiences we offer and the businesses we work with change each year. This reflects the speed of innovation that takes place, month by month, across the creative, design and digital sectors in our region. Over the last ten years, TICE has worked with over 250 businesses in the north east and beyond.
The learning we provide ranges from 45-minute long presentations to bring the subject of employer engagement into schools, to providing full days of activities exploring the commercial creative, design and digital industries.