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Halsbury Travel Ltd

Learning that takes on the world.


School trips that keep eyes up, phones down and work for every budget.

Founded nearly 40 years ago, Halsbury Travel offers school trips for every subject, as well as sports tours, music tours and ski trips.

All our trips are tailor made to suit your group's requirements. And, as a fully-accredited school travel company, you can be sure that your trip is in safe hands.

Support every step of the way. Safety prioritised. Students inspired. That's the Halsbury experience.


The following reviews have been added by visit leaders using the EVOLVE system.
364 reviews


Very Good




Halsbury have always worked hard to secure what we require for our concert tours. They listen to our suggestions alongside offering advice from their experiences of travelling to the locations we visit. (July 2024 - Secondary School)

(July 2024)

Halsbury has proved to be a very organised and experienced agency, where staff are well-trained and prompt to deal with any minor details. (July 2024 - Secondary School)

(July 2024 - Secondary School)

Fantastic trip which students and staff really enjoyed (July 2024 - Secondary School)

(July 2024 - Secondary School)

(June 2024 - Secondary School)

(June 2024 - Secondary School)

(June 2024 - Secondary School)

(June 2024 - Secondary School)

(June 2024 - Secondary School)

(June 2024 - Secondary School)

(June 2024 - Secondary School)

(May 2024 - Secondary School)

(May 2024 - Secondary School)

(May 2024)

(May 2024)

Very fast, efficient service. They could not help enough. (April 2024 - Secondary School)

I will not use them again. We had too many errors done on the details of the trip and all of them realised last minute by chance. (April 2024 - Secondary School)

(April 2024 - Secondary School)

(April 2024 - Secondary School)

Issues with accommodation. (April 2024 - Secondary School)

(April 2024 - Secondary School)

(April 2024 - Secondary School)

The hotel was perfect for larger groups touring. (April 2024 - Secondary School)

(April 2024 - Secondary School)

(April 2024)

Superb area and a wonderful opportunity to engage with Archaeology, History, Culture and Geography. Students were engaged in ancient art, Italian culture and both the remarkable preservation and human tragedy of the sites of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Travel company were excellent and supported us really well throughout the trip with recommendations, advance bookings, local guides, transportation and necessary adjustments. (March 2024 - Secondary School)

(March 2024 - Secondary School)

(March 2024 - Secondary School)

Halsbury do not have a very good reputation but as far as I am concerned they have done what is expected from a trip agency. I must admit that I have needed their help much but they were very accomodating. (March 2024 - Secondary School)

Satisfactory but too many errors made by the company such as not booking the chocolate shop and using a coach company who did not know the Ypres Salient. The drivers had never been to Ypres before. (March 2024)

d (March 2024 - Secondary School)

This visit was well worth doing. It was done as a residential visit for the first time as previously it was a day visit – there and back in a day. By going over 2 days it allowed the students time to get the most from this very thought-provoking experience. An experience which is often a very poignant and life changing experience. (March 2024 - Secondary School)

Our experience with Halsbury was generally good. Our tour coordinator and in resort rep were great. Our only negative point was that two weeks before the trip we were informed that our skiing hours were dropping from 5 hours per day to 4 hours per day. This was disappointing but we did negotiate an appropriate refund. (March 2024 - Primary School)

(March 2024 - Secondary School)

(March 2024)

skiing (February 2024 - Secondary School)

(February 2024 - Secondary School)

(February 2024 - Secondary School)

(February 2024 - Secondary School)

Halsbury Travel were a great support in planning and booking the trip. It was a History trip aimed at KS4 students to fit the GCSE unit on Nazi Germany. (February 2024 - Secondary School)

(February 2024)

(February 2024)

The hotel was in the city centre and quite lively and some of the children did not like it. However, Berlin is the party capital of Europe and that is to be expected visiting a cheap hotel in Berlin over a weekend. (January 2024)

The coach was very comfortable and the drivers knowledgeable about the area. The accommodation was well located and the activities well suited to the group (January 2024 - Secondary School)

If Halsbury do a trip that you would like it is worth thinking about using them their ski trip rep was excellent. (January 2024 - Secondary School)

(December 2023 - Secondary School)

(December 2023 - Secondary School)

(December 2023)

(December 2023 - Secondary School)

(December 2023 - Secondary School)

(December 2023 - Secondary School)

(November 2023 - Secondary School)

(November 2023 - Secondary School)

(November 2023 - Secondary School)

really enjoyed it! (November 2023 - Secondary School)

Not sure how to rate Halsbury as a 'venue' they were the provider? But in terms of what they provided as an overseas trip, Languages, History and Geography would be best. (November 2023 - Secondary School)

(November 2023 - Secondary School)

Classical Civilisation, RE and Latin are the subjects most relevant to the trip (November 2023 - Secondary School)

the trip was good but sadly we had a theft of a teachers rucksack on the last day in the hotel Calypso Salou, the hotel were very unhelpful and I would not recommend them. It is a shame as facilities are great for a group and I have been usign them for over 15 years (November 2023 - Secondary School)

(November 2023 - Secondary School)

d (November 2023 - Secondary School)

The visit was extremely successful but was hampered by organisational issues caused by Halsbury. For example, we were informed that the language class was at 9am when in fact it was at 1pm. In addition, the driver found that the itinerary was impractical due to timing and he was given the wrong details for the boat cruise on the last day. (November 2023 - Secondary School)

(November 2023 - Secondary School)

(October 2023 - Secondary School)

I would not recommend them at all. The Spanish Department will not work with Halsbury again after all the problems during the trip. (October 2023 - Secondary School)

This trip encompassed visits to Cold War and Nazi Germany sites in Berlin, including the Wansee Conference Centre and Sachenhausen Concentration Camp.In Poland the group visited Auschwitz-Birkenhau. The group were very affected by everything they saw and learning was much enhanced. (October 2023 - Secondary School)

(October 2023 - Secondary School)

(October 2023 - Secondary School)

No issue with Venues, but Halsbury travel were not reliable when dealing with the issues in france at the time. they made no alterations and continually made mistakes in the run up to the trip. We have lost confidence in their ability and will not be using them again in the future. (October 2023 - Secondary School)

(September 2023 - Secondary School)

With regards to what Halsbury organised: The coach was of an excellent standard, as was our driver, who was very helpful. All activities were perfect, the tour guides were both brilliant, and we had no problems at the museums, cathedral or bowling. There was confusion at the hostel at check in regarding whether we had paid or not - I am not sure whether this was the hostel's issue or Halsbury's but it was checked and resolved. We had a theft incident involving a staff member of our trip in the hostel lobby - she had her bag containing her passport stolen. I was disappointed that the Halsbury out of office hours phone line only led to a voicemail rather than an actual person. It would have been beneficial to have had reassurance/advice from a Halsbury representative - as we had to cross passport control back into the UK and were not sure whether there would be issues. (September 2023 - Secondary School)

The trip went well. I know the location and tour well. (September 2023 - Secondary School)

(September 2023 - Secondary School)

(September 2023 - Secondary School)

(August 2023 - Secondary School)

(August 2023 - Secondary School)

(August 2023 - Secondary School)

(July 2023 - Secondary School)

(July 2023)

We really did not have a good experience with Halsbury Travel. Right from the start it was hard to get any information from them and we had to complain to even get an itinerary. There were many issues once the group were on the trip - from timings that were entirely wrong, and many issues with the accommodation - neither hotel should have been booked for school groups as they were both inappropriate. The party leader has sent an email of complaint to Halsbury travel listing all the issues and problems. We will not be using them again in the future and would not recommend them to others. (July 2023 - Secondary School)

Would not recommend. Too many mistakes made by Halsbury. (July 2023 - Secondary School)

Actual provision was very good but they did change our transport arrangements prior to the visit. (July 2023 - Secondary School)

(July 2023 - Secondary School)

Good opportunity to find out about France and some elements of French culture. Some opportunities to use French in context. (July 2023 - Secondary School)

Lovely accommodation and area to visit, lots of opportunities for students to speak French and sample French Culture & Lifestyle. (July 2023 - Secondary School)

(July 2023 - Primary School)

There were issues this year which we have not had with Halsbury before. It's unclear whether it was their fault that they didn't have up-to-date passport information for our girls, which led to our not having boarding cards. This was why we had the scary hour in France when it looked as if we wouldn't all be coming back because the flight was overbooked. One of the trips was unsuitable in that we needed better transport to get there - we would change that in future. Very hard to find emergency number; doesn't seem to appear on the app they provide. (July 2023 - Secondary School)

Trip itinerary worked well including a few activities I had not done before. There were a few logistical issues with Halsbury not communicating clearly - coach mix up (another school's coach was sent to us), giving the driver the wrong accommodation info and not making it clear that our dinner reservation had changed venue. However, these were all minor and easily fixed options. The ease of booking and organisation with Halsbury was positive. (July 2023 - Secondary School)

Fun trip once there, but that was largely down to the language school. Appalling communication from Halsbury in the lead-up, creating far more stress in an already stressful time. (July 2023 - Secondary School)

Halsbury travel were not well organised. I received key information only a few days before the trip. Due to having 4 different contacts at Halsbury in charge of our trip over the past few months, communication was poor. As a result, parts of the itinerary were incorrect, and it was only down to me spotting the issues in the days leading up to the trip that we averted many potential problems. I will be speaking to Halsbury travel, and putting in a complaint if I don't feel that they take my concerns seriously. The actual trip went really well. The hotel was suitable, breakfast and dinner options were fine, and the Spanish coach company were excellent. The sultural sights that we saw were well prepared for us, apart from the theme park, where Halsbury travel had messed up the booking, failed to provide us with the correct entry tickets. As a result, we had to wait an hour and a half to get into the theme park. The students behaved well, and there were no safeguarding concerns during the trip. (July 2023 - Secondary School)

I only have experience of MFL A few issues with Halsbury pre-trip with regards to organisation (not listening to what we had specified right at the beginning) and during trip when plans had to change due to their poor planning. Luckily, with the help of the coach driver we solved it so the students weren't impacted. (June 2023 - Secondary School)

Tram tickets provided by Halsbury through LSF didn't cover sufficient journeys required for students to travel to/from LSF as well as excursions. School contingency was required to purchase additional transport tickets. (June 2023 - Secondary School)

Halsbury admitted accommodation issues (18+ students in our students' accommodation) should not have happened and accepted responsibility. (June 2023 - Secondary School)

(June 2023 - Secondary School)

(June 2023 - Secondary School)

Accommodation was sub par- complaint made to the agency. (June 2023 - Secondary School)

(June 2023 - Secondary School)

(June 2023)

(June 2023 - Secondary School)

(June 2023 - Secondary School)

(June 2023 - Secondary School)

And Religious Education (June 2023 - Secondary School)

(May 2023 - Secondary School)

(May 2023 - Secondary School)

(May 2023)

(May 2023 - Secondary School)

Great Trip pupils learnt a lot about other cultures and how Computer science fits into business and what it is like working in the epicenter of Computer Science (April 2023 - Secondary School)

2) Accommodation – very good location but there were a few issues with food and rooming. This was also a resort with ‘motel’ style rooms, so safeguarding was harder with students being outside when they stepped outside of their rooms. (April 2023 - Secondary School)

(April 2023 - Secondary School)

Ski trip (April 2023 - Secondary School)

Trip ran very smoothly. School link in Spain was excellent. (April 2023 - Secondary School)

We had problems dealing with Halsbury travel and are considering whether to use them in the future. The hotel was excellent. The first restaurant was good and the others were adequate, although none dealt with the dietary/allergy requirements well (it is unclear whether this is the fault of the restaurants or Halsbury). The coach driver was friendly and having a coach was a real asset when the students were tired, a very good idea. The coach driver did drive with inattention on at least one occasion the motorway and this led to a potentially dangerous situation (to note for next time). All activities, visits and timings worked well. (April 2023 - Secondary School)

(April 2023 - Secondary School)

General and cultural (April 2023 - Secondary School)

I would not recommend using Halsbury Travel. (April 2023 - Secondary School)

Halsbury customer service not good. Frequent errors in itinerary. Communication poor. Destination and school excellent. (April 2023 - Secondary School)

Fantastic ski trip (April 2023 - Secondary School)

Organisation was very poor and last minute with lots of staff changes their end. (April 2023 - Secondary School)

(March 2023 - Secondary School)

(March 2023 - Secondary School)

(March 2023 - Secondary School)

Range of activities was good and the students were engaged; some issues regarding transport which was resolved fairly easily. (March 2023 - Secondary School)

(March 2023 - Secondary School)

(March 2023 - Secondary School)

(March 2023 - Secondary School)

I would recommend using a different agency (March 2023 - Secondary School)

(March 2023 - Secondary School)

avoid at all costs (March 2023 - Secondary School)

(March 2023 - Secondary School)

Terrible company! Lots of issues and felt extremely isolated abroad. (March 2023 - Secondary School)

The trip itinerary, timings and coach company sources was great. Halsbury were great at tweaking our itinerary to suit us and responding to our requests. Their staff were helpful and cared about the quality of our visit. We had a few issues with communication this time. I think this was partly due to emails not coming through and also that Halsbury were very busy. Also, it would have been helpful if the final pack with vouchers came a week before, so that I had plenty of time to get them printed off. I would use Halsbury in future. (March 2023 - Secondary School)

(March 2023 - Secondary School)

(March 2023)

(March 2023 - Secondary School)

A fantastic and well organised trip that was full to the brim with experiences for our students. (March 2023 - Secondary School)

(March 2023 - Secondary School)

I think it would be fine for any group - clean, well equipped rooms; friendly staff who were amenable to changes. (March 2023 - Secondary School)

I think it would be fine for any group - clean, well equipped rooms; friendly staff who were amenable to changes. (March 2023 - Secondary School)

(March 2023 - Secondary School)

fairly poor and last minute organisation (March 2023 - Secondary School)

Great for practising the language. Also, a visits to the two main art galleries, Reina Sofia and Prado (February 2023 - Secondary School)

(February 2023 - Secondary School)

(February 2023 - Secondary School)

(February 2023 - Primary School)

(February 2023 - Secondary School)

Ski Trip (February 2023 - Secondary School)

(February 2023 - Secondary School)

(February 2023 - Secondary School)

There was an issue with coaches which was a result of a late cancellation by Halsbury's supplier. (February 2023 - Secondary School)

The French in Normandy School was excellent, each session was well planned, great activities and confidence building. The Hotel was good in the main, certainly the updated rooms were lovely but the trip leader's room smelled of sewage and the other rooms that hadn't been updated were basic. It would have been good to have had access to the dining room in the evening for group meeting activities as there was no-where to meet. One of our activities was cancelled due to the demonstration and it was a shame the students never got to do a guided tour but the travel company did allow us to change plans. (February 2023 - Secondary School)

(February 2023 - Secondary School)

(February 2023 - Secondary School)

Very relaxed strong group of students that made the trip a success (February 2023 - Secondary School)

(January 2023 - Secondary School)

(January 2023 - Secondary School)

Halsbury communication was fine at the planning stage but got very slow as the trip got closer. Their comms whilst away were mediocre and the week wasn't run especially well, given they do it every year. Many other schools complained abut this as being a perennial problem. (January 2023 - Secondary School)

Really successful trip. All went well despite delays on outward & inward flights. Accommodation was very good. Halsbury service was very poor - feedback sent to Halsbury Travel. (January 2023 - Secondary School)

(January 2023 - Secondary School)

Generally Halsbury are an excellent provider. However, we are not happy with the double decker coach not having the correct satnav to plan routes properly, avoiding low bridges. We are in discussion with Halsbury about this (January 2023)

(January 2023)

(January 2023 - Secondary School)

Not happy with the admin and communication from Halsbury. (December 2022 - Secondary School)

We booked accommodation and flights and travel passes in Berlin through Halsbury - didn't sort the passes out which was a problem, and while flights and accommodation were booked, not faultlessly. Slightly disappointing (December 2022)

Halsbury provided what was agreed. Email communication was a bit slow - not enough staff on perhaps? (December 2022 - Secondary School)

(December 2022 - Secondary School)

(December 2022 - Secondary School)

(December 2022 - Secondary School)

(December 2022 - Secondary School)

(December 2022 - Secondary School)

(November 2022 - Secondary School)

(November 2022 - Secondary School)

Berlin is a great city and was fantastic for our GCSE German and History students to experience it all first-hand. (November 2022 - Secondary School)

(November 2022 - Secondary School)

(November 2022 - Secondary School)

(November 2022 - Secondary School)

Generally a very helpful and well-organised company with a good level of service and communication. One or two requests/messages were not responded two promptly, but overall I would certainly recommend this tour operator. (November 2022 - Secondary School)

Classics!! But you could do History and Agro tourism too (November 2022 - Secondary School)

(November 2022 - Secondary School)

I will probably contact the Language School directly next time as Halsbury didn't really offer any benefits and were no help when we were abroad. (October 2022 - Secondary School)

(October 2022)

Well organised on their end. They have a good working relationship with the school and I would use them again. (October 2022 - Secondary School)

Sarah was wonderful in supporting the transport/accommodation/meals for the trip, prior and during our stay. Her patience, availability and flexibility were greatly appreciated. (October 2022 - Secondary School)

(October 2022 - Secondary School)

(October 2022 - Secondary School)

Business (October 2022 - Secondary School)

Not everything ran smoothly, but Halsbury were available for contact and helped resolved. Some lovely venues to perform, friendly accommodation. (October 2022 - Secondary School)

Some aspects of the trip organisation by Halsbury were very good, and others were very disappointing. (October 2022 - Secondary School)

(October 2022 - Secondary School)

(September 2022 - Secondary School)

(September 2022 - Secondary School)

(September 2022 - Secondary School)

(August 2022)

(August 2022 - Secondary School)

(August 2022 - Secondary School)

Excellent service from Halsbury - lots of information and good itinerary. (July 2022 - Secondary School)

The venue was unsuitable for our young age group. Staff were not accommodated next to the majority of pupils. Rooms not secure overnight which was not explained on booking. One member of staff was in another B&B over the road. (July 2022 - Secondary School)

(July 2022)

(July 2022 - Secondary School)

(July 2022 - Secondary School)

(June 2022 - Secondary School)

(June 2022 - Secondary School)

(May 2022 - Secondary School)

(May 2022 - Secondary School)

(April 2022 - Secondary School)

(April 2022 - Secondary School)

They had coped with last minute changes to student numbers; kept us informed of changes in Covid requirements and changes to rooming although the later did present some last minute changes upon arrival at the hotel (April 2022 - Secondary School)

(April 2022 - Secondary School)

Generally helpful staff, good rep, but the hotel we were in (The Hotel Olympic Centre, San Sicario) was very poor. (March 2022)

Fantastic company who respond to and organise our every request (February 2022 - Secondary School)

Absolutely amazing, could not ask for better (July 2021 - Secondary School)
Provider Response: Thank you so much for your five-star review. We are delighted you were so happy with your trip. Kind regards, the Halsbury Team

Extremely helpful with all aspects of planning and organising the trip. (April 2020 - Secondary School)

Fantastic support and easy to contact. Fair with pricing and will do all they can to match other quotes. (April 2020 - Secondary School)

Very good communication. They really tried hard to get everything right for us. If I rang their office, someone was always there to help. Our agent Leonor was fantastic. (March 2020 - Secondary School)

Excellent organisation and assistance from Halsbury Travel. (March 2020 - Secondary School)

There were unnecessary maps and documents (Re Ypres) included - even in the title of the final itinerary ! - for a place we had never planned to visit. (March 2020 - Secondary School)

This is the second time I have used Halsbury and I was, once again, really pleased with the promptness with which emails were replied to, queries were dealt with and the almost instant feedback requested from Bev, which to me shows a very high level of customer service. This was my first trip to France at my current school, as well as the first ever residential trip where I have been the group leader, so there were a few things that I will know better next time, and which I also wanted to feed back to you and pass on to the hotels Food / dietary requirements. Breakfasts and packed lunches were all good, especially at the Ibis and from Flunch. I understand that there are cultural differences between the UK and France. As my mother is vegetarian, I should perhaps also have been better prepared for the French perception that vegetarians eat fish. I actually had to say to the hotel staff: “Le poisson est mort!” This was only a problem at the Campanile in Amiens where the Ibis Budget sent us for dinner and where an alternative wasn’t offered when the girls explained that vegetarians don’t eat fish. In future, when catering for British parties, the hotel really need to bear in mind that in the UK, vegetarians eat neither meat or fish. Les Pelouses offered an omelette to the vegetarians as a main course, which was fine. They (and some of the staff) were less impressed that the starter for them was simply a chopped tomato with dressing. To be honest, I have seen this offered as a “salad” in Spain, too, but once again I think there was some cultural misunderstanding here, and I think maybe some rocket or eggs might have made it look a bit more appetising to a picky 12 year-old! The MAJOR problem with the food at Les Pelouses was that at least three people found human hairs in their main course. I wasn’t really sure how to deal with this. The first two I didn’t actually see myself and thought it may have been a mistake. By the time a third hair was fished out, I had to go and tell the staff and, as the children had their phones at this point, and were very tired, this created hysteria amongst them which it took us a while to calm down. Accommodation The ibis in Amiens was very good indeed. Everyone was happy with it and we had plenty of time to settle in before dinner. Check-in was smooth as I had emailed them our rooming requirements in advance. They did send us to the nearby Campanile for dinner which it would have helped to know in advance. Although the staff worked extraordinarily hard there, I would not recommended Les Pelouses to anyone. In addition to the major issue with our meal, the hotel rooms were inconsistently-sized and some of the children really didn’t have enough space. I actually checked Halsbury’s information about the hotel and it says in your info that the capacity is 69, with no more than four per room, which would explain why quite a few children had to use camp beds in the smaller rooms where there were five or six of them in there. Obviously there were meant to be 83 of us staying in total. Although we were late arriving, I would say that aiming to have dinner at 6.30pm after checking in at 6.15pm was unrealistic even if we had made it on time. I had emailed the hotel in advance with our rooming requirements / names, but it would seem they did not receive it. Visits / Transport The driver was great. He arrived on time and allowed the children to eat on board. He also stopped off at some services for us at about 7.30am. The Canadians at Vimy / Newfoundland were really helpful and gave us all a tour. We could have done with more scheduled time for this with our large group, though, as the tours were half an hour and we had to split the children into three groups. Thiepval / Lochnager / Somme 1916 - fine Le Fournil / Becasuc / Pain show - utterly brilliant! The driver wasn’t able to park at the Ramparts coach park in Boulogne as neither he nor I could find it so we parked way down by the aquarium. This was a long walk back up to the old town for the boy on crutches. I would rather take the ferry across the channel in future as, although it takes longer, the bus had no windows and we were unable to switch on the air conditioning whilst on Le Shuttle. It was like a sauna! At least on the ferry you can move around (and see the White Cliffs of Dover!) (March 2020 - Secondary School)

(March 2020 - Secondary School)

Fantastic company, every request is met and the itinerary is flexible to meet our needs (March 2020 - Secondary School)

(February 2020 - Secondary School)

Excellent support throughout planning, fantastic communication and very clear requests sent through. The trip pack was great, containing all the information I needed. Support provided whilst on the trip was excellent. (February 2020 - Secondary School)

Halsbury were excellent from start to finish. There were very few problems and those that arose were dealt with swiftly. (February 2020 - Secondary School)

Wonderfully organised and planned with great support on the app and loads of resources and maps to help (February 2020 - Secondary School)

(February 2020 - Secondary School)

(February 2020 - Secondary School)

(January 2020 - Secondary School)

(January 2020 - Secondary School)

superb company - always provides a good service (January 2020 - Secondary School)

(January 2020 - Secondary School)

(January 2020 - Secondary School)

Very well organised and really good visits, especially the bakery (January 2020 - Secondary School)

Excellent organisation and help (December 2019 - Secondary School)

Halsbury Travel were very organised and helpful. I suggested that they liaise a little more closely with the hotel with regards to the food. (December 2019 - Secondary School)

(December 2019 - Secondary School)

Well organised visit by both Halsbury and ISLA language school (December 2019 - Secondary School)

(December 2019 - Secondary School)

(December 2019 - Secondary School)

(December 2019 - Secondary School)

(December 2019 - Secondary School)

Successful visit (December 2019 - Secondary School)

(December 2019 - Secondary School)

Certain aspects very good. They dealt with issues whilst out there quickly and effectively. (November 2019 - Secondary School)

Very efficient admin. Answered emails quickly. (November 2019 - Secondary School)

(November 2019 - Secondary School)

(November 2019 - Secondary School)

Apart from a member of staff leaving 2 weeks before we were due to go on the trip, the staff at Halsbury were extremely helpful and willing to complete anything that I asked of them. We are using them for our next language trip in December. (November 2019 - Secondary School)

Provider was generally efficient and helpful. There was a mistake in the programme on arrival but it was unclear whether this was the fault of the provider or the language school. Basically all good. (October 2019 - Secondary School)

Excellent trip - Halsbury was very helpful throughout (October 2019 - Secondary School)

(October 2019 - Secondary School)

Had to pay extra for Cathedral visit, didn't get a guide as there was a mix up so ended up been self-led. (October 2019 - Secondary School)

Efficient and helpful in planning and delivery. We didn't have an incidents which needed support while we were away. (October 2019 - Secondary School)

(October 2019 - Secondary School)

Family run firm, very supportive and easy to contact with queries and questions which were dealt with quickly. They did not advise us that passenger lists for the ferry crossing needed to be separated by coach - this caused some confusion at the port of Dover, but we dealt with it. (September 2019 - Secondary School)

Excellent organisation and travel timings. (September 2019 - Secondary School)

(September 2019 - Secondary School)

This language trip was well organised. Halsbury were quick to respond to emails and they were helpful with any requests that were made. (September 2019 - Secondary School)

(September 2019 - Secondary School)

(July 2019 - Secondary School)

(July 2019 - Secondary School)

Accomodation okay and so were the drivers. Good communication times but often unclear. Terrible food. (July 2019 - Secondary School)

Very good accommodation with host families vetted by ISLA language school. Excellent language classes and excursions. MM organised 2 separate excursions whilst in Salamanca- going up the tower of the cathedral and visiting an Art Deco museum (Picasso, Miró and Dalí exhibition) with a guided tour in English. Coach transfer on return was delayed and we were 1.5 hours late arriving at school and MM has notified tour agent. (July 2019 - Secondary School)

(July 2019 - Secondary School)

Halsbury were excellent. I would use again and would recommend. (July 2019 - Secondary School)

(July 2019 - Secondary School)

Excellent provider. Helpful when assistance required. All aspect of the itinerary were well planned and organised. (July 2019 - Secondary School)

An excellent trip with brilliant input from the bakers and from the snail farm. Very well organised and Halsbury Travel were excellent at replying to our queries as this was the first time we had used them. (June 2019 - Primary School)

Overall the company was very helpful and the planned itinerary was spot on for our students to enjoy and gain a fantastic cultural experience. There was a mess up with the hotel with rooms, but I have spoken personally to the travel company about this. (June 2019 - Secondary School)

(June 2019 - Secondary School)

Very good communication throughout, whether through e-mail or phone, and this included during the trip itself, where we had to phone them to ask for a booking to be pushed back an hour. (June 2019 - Secondary School)

Excellent service (June 2019 - Secondary School)

(June 2019 - Primary School)

(June 2019 - Secondary School)

Halsbury were great to work with - they came and did a parent presentation that was really useful, they found us excellent flights and perfect accommodation, they were quick to answer our questions and queries and they were very supportive throughout. (May 2019 - Primary School)

Awesome Trip (May 2019 - Primary School)

(May 2019 - Secondary School)

Excellent support from the provider from start to finish. The rep we had out in Spain was excellent too and assisted us at all times. We will definately be using them again for further trips. (May 2019 - Secondary School)

(May 2019)

Halsbury were very organised and patient, we got caught up in a protest and had troubles reaching the EuroTunnel. Everyone I spoke to was helpful and gave good advice on what to do. The driver we had was excellent also! (May 2019 - Secondary School)

(April 2019 - Secondary School)

The communication with Halsbury was good but there were issues with regards to the visit planning but these were quickly resolved by the company. We were happy with the accommodation and the transfers and everything went smoothly on the trip. (April 2019 - Secondary School)

Brilliant provision - would thoroughly recommend (April 2019 - Secondary School)

Using Halsbury makes my task much easier when we are in Berlin as they provide an excellent pack and make it very easy to visit the places we need to. The weather helped as it was perfect weather to spend time outside exploring Berlin and we were able to walk to more venues than usual, rather than use public transport. (April 2019 - Secondary School)

Halsbury are a wonderful company to use, this is the third time we have booked with them to tour Iceland and they created yet another amazing trip. There are still a few little bits to iron out but in general the trip was exactly what the students wanted. (April 2019 - Secondary School)

The company was very late with the handbook, they sent our tickets to the wrong school, however the driver was very good and we had a lovely coach (April 2019 - Secondary School)

(March 2019 - Secondary School)

Fantastic company that deal with everything from start to finish (March 2019 - Secondary School)

Generally good although some issues in build up, issues with beds and inexperienced rep meant perhaps not to the same standard as in previous years. (March 2019 - Secondary School)

First class communication and organisation throughout. (March 2019 - Secondary School)

Excellent- efficient and helpful. (March 2019 - Secondary School)

(March 2019 - Secondary School)

(February 2019 - Secondary School)

(February 2019 - Secondary School)

Halsbury were very helpful during the lead up and also when we had issues during the trip (February 2019 - Secondary School)

(February 2019 - Secondary School)

Some small problems but these were dealt with efficiently and with good humour bu=y the company. The workshops were a really excellent standard and the trip was, overall, very well run. I would recommend Halsbury - a good price too. (February 2019 - Secondary School)

A very successful trip with any minor issues solved quickly and efficiently. (February 2019 - Secondary School)

(February 2019 - Secondary School)

(February 2019 - Secondary School)

(February 2019 - Secondary School)

Excellent service and did everything we needed for making an excellent tour. (January 2019 - Secondary School)

The lead up to the tour and the support we received was excellent. The local arrangements in China were excellent for the students, the guides were very good. (January 2019 - Secondary School)

(January 2019 - Secondary School)

Excellent organisation, helpful, paperwork sent in advance (January 2019 - Secondary School)

the travel company were efficient and helpful. They provided excellent transport and accommodation that met expectations. (January 2019 - Secondary School)

(January 2019 - Secondary School)

The organization by Halsbury was excellent. Just a couple of minor issues on the itinerary, but on the whole, everything was as described and the trip ran smoothly. (January 2019 - Secondary School)

(December 2018 - Secondary School)

(December 2018 - Secondary School)

(December 2018 - Secondary School)

Helpful, accessible. No issues (December 2018 - Secondary School)

Restaurant for dinner wasn't good enough, the coach company not cooperative (December 2018 - Secondary School)

(December 2018 - Secondary School)

(December 2018 - Secondary School)

(December 2018 - Secondary School)

Excellent travel provider who sorted out flights after they had been cancelled. (November 2018 - Secondary School)

Halsbury always provide excellent support in the build up to our overseas visits and are on hand to offer advice and assistance for emergency situations during the trip. (November 2018 - Secondary School)

Very organised and a wonderful experience for the pupils (November 2018 - Secondary School)

Very organised and a wonderful experience for the pupils (November 2018 - Secondary School)

Very organised and a wonderful experience for the pupils (November 2018 - Secondary School)

(November 2018 - Secondary School)

Very detailed travel pack sent and supporting APP with all documents needed for the trip (October 2018 - Secondary School)

(October 2018 - Secondary School)

(October 2018 - Secondary School)

Generally very good - kept in good contact and were felxible and supportive. There were some issues with the itinerary as they had not run this specific trip before. (September 2018 - Secondary School)

(September 2018 - Secondary School)

We have been running this visit in conjunction with Halsbury for 7 years now and have built up an excellent working relationship. Staff are friendly and helpful and on the rare occasions something goes wrong they are always quick to act from the office through to the MD if necessary. (September 2018 - Secondary School)

(August 2018 - Secondary School)

Excellent service- efficient and always willing to help. (July 2018 - Secondary School)

Very organised and helpful. (July 2018 - Secondary School)

(July 2018 - Secondary School)

(July 2018 - Secondary School)

Some aspects of accommodation were not as agreed. (July 2018 - Secondary School)

While on the visit there was a near miss incident which has been reported to the travel company. Students had been sent to bed and staff were in the corridors until they quietened down. A group of year 7 girls opened their bedroom door and said that there were boys on the roof, that they could hear them and that they could see the flashes from their mobile phones where they were taking photos. They gave several names, staff went to check the rooms of the boys whose names we had been given. One boy was not in the room, I looked out of the window and he was laying on the roof next to the velux window. We asked students who else had been climbing out of the window onto the roof and they gave us 5 more names of students involved. Students had been told on the first evening not to climb out of the windows as they opened quite wide, nor to go on the roof as the bedrooms were on the third floor. (July 2018 - Secondary School)

(June 2018 - Secondary School)

Very well organised (June 2018 - Secondary School)

(June 2018 - Secondary School)

(June 2018 - Secondary School)

(May 2018 - Secondary School)

(May 2018 - Secondary School)

(May 2018 - Secondary School)

(May 2018 - Secondary School)

(April 2018 - Secondary School)

Always helpful and professional. (April 2018)

(March 2018 - Secondary School)

No problems with the information from Halbury. Very clear itineraries which were updated regularly as our venues changed. James Horsfield came into Northgate to speak to me directly too which was a nice touch. We had very good information packs and luggage tickets, although I would have preferred it if they came two weeks before, rather than one week before the visit, as it meant that I couldn't give out specific information to the students before our meeting. I downloaded their VAMOOS app but couldn't ever get the offline maps to download, despite trying 5 times on UK wifi. Overall, very good. (March 2018 - Secondary School)

(March 2018 - Secondary School)

(March 2018 - Secondary School)

Everything was efficiently organised. James Wylie was patient and always on hand to help with any question or issue that I had. (February 2018 - Secondary School)

(February 2018 - Secondary School)

(February 2018 - Secondary School)

Fantastic and trusted service (February 2018 - Secondary School)

(February 2018 - Secondary School)

(February 2018 - Secondary School)

(February 2018 - Secondary School)

Very helpful staff at Halsbury Coach driver employed had very limited knowledge and seemed quite inexperienced. (February 2018 - Secondary School)

(January 2018 - Secondary School)

Very helpful, well organised trip. (January 2018 - Secondary School)

A very professional company. Very well organised. (December 2017 - Secondary School)

(December 2017 - Secondary School)

As ever Halsbury Travel have been excellent and very supportive. (December 2017 - Secondary School)

(December 2017 - Secondary School)

(December 2017 - Secondary School)

well planned and excellent tour guide (December 2017 - Secondary School)


Halsbury Travel Ltd
35 Churchill Park
Colwick Business Estate


All of our tours are tailor made and individually costed to provide you with the best value possible for the numbers that you want to book.

Opening Times

Halsbury Travel is open from 08.00-17.30 Monday to Friday

Learning that takes on the world.


School trips that keep eyes up, phones down and work for every budget.

Founded nearly 40 years ago, Halsbury Travel offers school trips for every subject, as well as sports tours, music tours and ski trips.

All our trips are tailor made to suit your group's requirements. And, as a fully-accredited school travel company, you can be sure that your trip is in safe hands.

Support every step of the way. Safety prioritised. Students inspired. That's the Halsbury experience.


All of our tours are tailor made and individually costed to provide you with the best value possible for the numbers that you want to book.

Opening Times

Halsbury Travel is open from 08.00-17.30 Monday to Friday


Halsbury Travel Ltd
35 Churchill Park
Colwick Business Estate


The following reviews have been added by visit leaders using the EVOLVE system.
364 reviews


Very Good




July 2024 - Secondary School
Halsbury have always worked hard to secure what we require for our concert tours. They listen to our suggestions alongside offering advice from their experiences of travelling to the locations we visit.

July 2024

July 2024 - Secondary School
Halsbury has proved to be a very organised and experienced agency, where staff are well-trained and prompt to deal with any minor details.

July 2024 - Secondary School

July 2024 - Secondary School
Fantastic trip which students and staff really enjoyed

July 2024 - Secondary School

June 2024 - Secondary School

June 2024 - Secondary School

June 2024 - Secondary School

June 2024 - Secondary School

June 2024 - Secondary School

June 2024 - Secondary School

June 2024 - Secondary School

May 2024 - Secondary School

May 2024 - Secondary School

May 2024

May 2024

April 2024 - Secondary School
Very fast, efficient service. They could not help enough.

April 2024 - Secondary School
I will not use them again. We had too many errors done on the details of the trip and all of them realised last minute by chance.

April 2024 - Secondary School

April 2024 - Secondary School

April 2024 - Secondary School
Issues with accommodation.

April 2024 - Secondary School

April 2024 - Secondary School

April 2024 - Secondary School
The hotel was perfect for larger groups touring.

April 2024 - Secondary School

April 2024

March 2024 - Secondary School
Superb area and a wonderful opportunity to engage with Archaeology, History, Culture and Geography. Students were engaged in ancient art, Italian culture and both the remarkable preservation and human tragedy of the sites of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Travel company were excellent and supported us really well throughout the trip with recommendations, advance bookings, local guides, transportation and necessary adjustments.

March 2024 - Secondary School

March 2024 - Secondary School

March 2024 - Secondary School
Halsbury do not have a very good reputation but as far as I am concerned they have done what is expected from a trip agency. I must admit that I have needed their help much but they were very accomodating.

March 2024
Satisfactory but too many errors made by the company such as not booking the chocolate shop and using a coach company who did not know the Ypres Salient. The drivers had never been to Ypres before.

March 2024 - Secondary School

March 2024 - Secondary School
This visit was well worth doing. It was done as a residential visit for the first time as previously it was a day visit – there and back in a day. By going over 2 days it allowed the students time to get the most from this very thought-provoking experience. An experience which is often a very poignant and life changing experience.

March 2024 - Primary School
Our experience with Halsbury was generally good. Our tour coordinator and in resort rep were great. Our only negative point was that two weeks before the trip we were informed that our skiing hours were dropping from 5 hours per day to 4 hours per day. This was disappointing but we did negotiate an appropriate refund.

March 2024 - Secondary School

March 2024

February 2024 - Secondary School

February 2024 - Secondary School

February 2024 - Secondary School

February 2024 - Secondary School

February 2024 - Secondary School
Halsbury Travel were a great support in planning and booking the trip. It was a History trip aimed at KS4 students to fit the GCSE unit on Nazi Germany.

February 2024

February 2024

January 2024
The hotel was in the city centre and quite lively and some of the children did not like it. However, Berlin is the party capital of Europe and that is to be expected visiting a cheap hotel in Berlin over a weekend.

January 2024 - Secondary School
The coach was very comfortable and the drivers knowledgeable about the area. The accommodation was well located and the activities well suited to the group

January 2024 - Secondary School
If Halsbury do a trip that you would like it is worth thinking about using them their ski trip rep was excellent.

December 2023 - Secondary School

December 2023 - Secondary School

December 2023

December 2023 - Secondary School

December 2023 - Secondary School

December 2023 - Secondary School

November 2023 - Secondary School

November 2023 - Secondary School

November 2023 - Secondary School

November 2023 - Secondary School
really enjoyed it!

November 2023 - Secondary School
Not sure how to rate Halsbury as a 'venue' they were the provider? But in terms of what they provided as an overseas trip, Languages, History and Geography would be best.

November 2023 - Secondary School

November 2023 - Secondary School
Classical Civilisation, RE and Latin are the subjects most relevant to the trip

November 2023 - Secondary School
the trip was good but sadly we had a theft of a teachers rucksack on the last day in the hotel Calypso Salou, the hotel were very unhelpful and I would not recommend them. It is a shame as facilities are great for a group and I have been usign them for over 15 years

November 2023 - Secondary School

November 2023 - Secondary School

November 2023 - Secondary School
The visit was extremely successful but was hampered by organisational issues caused by Halsbury. For example, we were informed that the language class was at 9am when in fact it was at 1pm. In addition, the driver found that the itinerary was impractical due to timing and he was given the wrong details for the boat cruise on the last day.

November 2023 - Secondary School

October 2023 - Secondary School

October 2023 - Secondary School
I would not recommend them at all. The Spanish Department will not work with Halsbury again after all the problems during the trip.

October 2023 - Secondary School
This trip encompassed visits to Cold War and Nazi Germany sites in Berlin, including the Wansee Conference Centre and Sachenhausen Concentration Camp.In Poland the group visited Auschwitz-Birkenhau. The group were very affected by everything they saw and learning was much enhanced.

October 2023 - Secondary School

October 2023 - Secondary School

October 2023 - Secondary School
No issue with Venues, but Halsbury travel were not reliable when dealing with the issues in france at the time. they made no alterations and continually made mistakes in the run up to the trip. We have lost confidence in their ability and will not be using them again in the future.

September 2023 - Secondary School

September 2023 - Secondary School
With regards to what Halsbury organised: The coach was of an excellent standard, as was our driver, who was very helpful. All activities were perfect, the tour guides were both brilliant, and we had no problems at the museums, cathedral or bowling. There was confusion at the hostel at check in regarding whether we had paid or not - I am not sure whether this was the hostel's issue or Halsbury's but it was checked and resolved. We had a theft incident involving a staff member of our trip in the hostel lobby - she had her bag containing her passport stolen. I was disappointed that the Halsbury out of office hours phone line only led to a voicemail rather than an actual person. It would have been beneficial to have had reassurance/advice from a Halsbury representative - as we had to cross passport control back into the UK and were not sure whether there would be issues.

September 2023 - Secondary School
The trip went well. I know the location and tour well.

September 2023 - Secondary School

September 2023 - Secondary School

August 2023 - Secondary School

August 2023 - Secondary School

August 2023 - Secondary School

July 2023 - Secondary School

July 2023

July 2023 - Secondary School
We really did not have a good experience with Halsbury Travel. Right from the start it was hard to get any information from them and we had to complain to even get an itinerary. There were many issues once the group were on the trip - from timings that were entirely wrong, and many issues with the accommodation - neither hotel should have been booked for school groups as they were both inappropriate. The party leader has sent an email of complaint to Halsbury travel listing all the issues and problems. We will not be using them again in the future and would not recommend them to others.

July 2023 - Secondary School
Would not recommend. Too many mistakes made by Halsbury.

July 2023 - Secondary School
Actual provision was very good but they did change our transport arrangements prior to the visit.

July 2023 - Secondary School

July 2023 - Secondary School
Good opportunity to find out about France and some elements of French culture. Some opportunities to use French in context.

July 2023 - Secondary School
Lovely accommodation and area to visit, lots of opportunities for students to speak French and sample French Culture & Lifestyle.

July 2023 - Primary School

July 2023 - Secondary School
There were issues this year which we have not had with Halsbury before. It's unclear whether it was their fault that they didn't have up-to-date passport information for our girls, which led to our not having boarding cards. This was why we had the scary hour in France when it looked as if we wouldn't all be coming back because the flight was overbooked. One of the trips was unsuitable in that we needed better transport to get there - we would change that in future. Very hard to find emergency number; doesn't seem to appear on the app they provide.

July 2023 - Secondary School
Trip itinerary worked well including a few activities I had not done before. There were a few logistical issues with Halsbury not communicating clearly - coach mix up (another school's coach was sent to us), giving the driver the wrong accommodation info and not making it clear that our dinner reservation had changed venue. However, these were all minor and easily fixed options. The ease of booking and organisation with Halsbury was positive.

July 2023 - Secondary School
Fun trip once there, but that was largely down to the language school. Appalling communication from Halsbury in the lead-up, creating far more stress in an already stressful time.

July 2023 - Secondary School
Halsbury travel were not well organised. I received key information only a few days before the trip. Due to having 4 different contacts at Halsbury in charge of our trip over the past few months, communication was poor. As a result, parts of the itinerary were incorrect, and it was only down to me spotting the issues in the days leading up to the trip that we averted many potential problems. I will be speaking to Halsbury travel, and putting in a complaint if I don't feel that they take my concerns seriously. The actual trip went really well. The hotel was suitable, breakfast and dinner options were fine, and the Spanish coach company were excellent. The sultural sights that we saw were well prepared for us, apart from the theme park, where Halsbury travel had messed up the booking, failed to provide us with the correct entry tickets. As a result, we had to wait an hour and a half to get into the theme park. The students behaved well, and there were no safeguarding concerns during the trip.

June 2023 - Secondary School
I only have experience of MFL A few issues with Halsbury pre-trip with regards to organisation (not listening to what we had specified right at the beginning) and during trip when plans had to change due to their poor planning. Luckily, with the help of the coach driver we solved it so the students weren't impacted.

June 2023 - Secondary School
Tram tickets provided by Halsbury through LSF didn't cover sufficient journeys required for students to travel to/from LSF as well as excursions. School contingency was required to purchase additional transport tickets.

June 2023 - Secondary School
Halsbury admitted accommodation issues (18+ students in our students' accommodation) should not have happened and accepted responsibility.

June 2023 - Secondary School

June 2023 - Secondary School

June 2023 - Secondary School
Accommodation was sub par- complaint made to the agency.

June 2023 - Secondary School

June 2023

June 2023 - Secondary School

June 2023 - Secondary School

June 2023 - Secondary School

June 2023 - Secondary School
And Religious Education

May 2023 - Secondary School

May 2023 - Secondary School

May 2023

May 2023 - Secondary School

April 2023 - Secondary School
Great Trip pupils learnt a lot about other cultures and how Computer science fits into business and what it is like working in the epicenter of Computer Science

April 2023 - Secondary School
2) Accommodation – very good location but there were a few issues with food and rooming. This was also a resort with ‘motel’ style rooms, so safeguarding was harder with students being outside when they stepped outside of their rooms.

April 2023 - Secondary School

April 2023 - Secondary School
Ski trip

April 2023 - Secondary School
Trip ran very smoothly. School link in Spain was excellent.

April 2023 - Secondary School
We had problems dealing with Halsbury travel and are considering whether to use them in the future. The hotel was excellent. The first restaurant was good and the others were adequate, although none dealt with the dietary/allergy requirements well (it is unclear whether this is the fault of the restaurants or Halsbury). The coach driver was friendly and having a coach was a real asset when the students were tired, a very good idea. The coach driver did drive with inattention on at least one occasion the motorway and this led to a potentially dangerous situation (to note for next time). All activities, visits and timings worked well.

April 2023 - Secondary School

April 2023 - Secondary School
General and cultural

April 2023 - Secondary School
I would not recommend using Halsbury Travel.

April 2023 - Secondary School
Halsbury customer service not good. Frequent errors in itinerary. Communication poor. Destination and school excellent.

April 2023 - Secondary School
Fantastic ski trip

April 2023 - Secondary School
Organisation was very poor and last minute with lots of staff changes their end.

March 2023 - Secondary School

March 2023 - Secondary School

March 2023 - Secondary School

March 2023 - Secondary School
Range of activities was good and the students were engaged; some issues regarding transport which was resolved fairly easily.

March 2023 - Secondary School

March 2023 - Secondary School

March 2023 - Secondary School

March 2023 - Secondary School
I would recommend using a different agency

March 2023 - Secondary School

March 2023 - Secondary School
avoid at all costs

March 2023 - Secondary School

March 2023 - Secondary School
Terrible company! Lots of issues and felt extremely isolated abroad.

March 2023 - Secondary School
The trip itinerary, timings and coach company sources was great. Halsbury were great at tweaking our itinerary to suit us and responding to our requests. Their staff were helpful and cared about the quality of our visit. We had a few issues with communication this time. I think this was partly due to emails not coming through and also that Halsbury were very busy. Also, it would have been helpful if the final pack with vouchers came a week before, so that I had plenty of time to get them printed off. I would use Halsbury in future.

March 2023 - Secondary School

March 2023

March 2023 - Secondary School

March 2023 - Secondary School
A fantastic and well organised trip that was full to the brim with experiences for our students.

March 2023 - Secondary School

March 2023 - Secondary School
I think it would be fine for any group - clean, well equipped rooms; friendly staff who were amenable to changes.

March 2023 - Secondary School
I think it would be fine for any group - clean, well equipped rooms; friendly staff who were amenable to changes.

March 2023 - Secondary School

March 2023 - Secondary School
fairly poor and last minute organisation

February 2023 - Secondary School
Great for practising the language. Also, a visits to the two main art galleries, Reina Sofia and Prado

February 2023 - Secondary School

February 2023 - Secondary School

February 2023 - Primary School

February 2023 - Secondary School

February 2023 - Secondary School
Ski Trip

February 2023 - Secondary School

February 2023 - Secondary School

February 2023 - Secondary School
There was an issue with coaches which was a result of a late cancellation by Halsbury's supplier.

February 2023 - Secondary School
The French in Normandy School was excellent, each session was well planned, great activities and confidence building. The Hotel was good in the main, certainly the updated rooms were lovely but the trip leader's room smelled of sewage and the other rooms that hadn't been updated were basic. It would have been good to have had access to the dining room in the evening for group meeting activities as there was no-where to meet. One of our activities was cancelled due to the demonstration and it was a shame the students never got to do a guided tour but the travel company did allow us to change plans.

February 2023 - Secondary School

February 2023 - Secondary School

February 2023 - Secondary School
Very relaxed strong group of students that made the trip a success

January 2023 - Secondary School

January 2023 - Secondary School

January 2023 - Secondary School
Halsbury communication was fine at the planning stage but got very slow as the trip got closer. Their comms whilst away were mediocre and the week wasn't run especially well, given they do it every year. Many other schools complained abut this as being a perennial problem.

January 2023 - Secondary School
Really successful trip. All went well despite delays on outward & inward flights. Accommodation was very good. Halsbury service was very poor - feedback sent to Halsbury Travel.

January 2023 - Secondary School

January 2023
Generally Halsbury are an excellent provider. However, we are not happy with the double decker coach not having the correct satnav to plan routes properly, avoiding low bridges. We are in discussion with Halsbury about this

January 2023

January 2023 - Secondary School

December 2022 - Secondary School
Not happy with the admin and communication from Halsbury.

December 2022
We booked accommodation and flights and travel passes in Berlin through Halsbury - didn't sort the passes out which was a problem, and while flights and accommodation were booked, not faultlessly. Slightly disappointing

December 2022 - Secondary School
Halsbury provided what was agreed. Email communication was a bit slow - not enough staff on perhaps?

December 2022 - Secondary School

December 2022 - Secondary School

December 2022 - Secondary School

December 2022 - Secondary School

December 2022 - Secondary School

November 2022 - Secondary School

November 2022 - Secondary School

November 2022 - Secondary School
Berlin is a great city and was fantastic for our GCSE German and History students to experience it all first-hand.

November 2022 - Secondary School

November 2022 - Secondary School

November 2022 - Secondary School

November 2022 - Secondary School
Generally a very helpful and well-organised company with a good level of service and communication. One or two requests/messages were not responded two promptly, but overall I would certainly recommend this tour operator.

November 2022 - Secondary School
Classics!! But you could do History and Agro tourism too

November 2022 - Secondary School

October 2022 - Secondary School
I will probably contact the Language School directly next time as Halsbury didn't really offer any benefits and were no help when we were abroad.

October 2022

October 2022 - Secondary School
Well organised on their end. They have a good working relationship with the school and I would use them again.

October 2022 - Secondary School
Sarah was wonderful in supporting the transport/accommodation/meals for the trip, prior and during our stay. Her patience, availability and flexibility were greatly appreciated.

October 2022 - Secondary School

October 2022 - Secondary School

October 2022 - Secondary School

October 2022 - Secondary School
Not everything ran smoothly, but Halsbury were available for contact and helped resolved. Some lovely venues to perform, friendly accommodation.

October 2022 - Secondary School
Some aspects of the trip organisation by Halsbury were very good, and others were very disappointing.

October 2022 - Secondary School

September 2022 - Secondary School

September 2022 - Secondary School

September 2022 - Secondary School

August 2022

August 2022 - Secondary School

August 2022 - Secondary School

July 2022 - Secondary School
Excellent service from Halsbury - lots of information and good itinerary.

July 2022 - Secondary School
The venue was unsuitable for our young age group. Staff were not accommodated next to the majority of pupils. Rooms not secure overnight which was not explained on booking. One member of staff was in another B&B over the road.

July 2022

July 2022 - Secondary School

July 2022 - Secondary School

June 2022 - Secondary School

June 2022 - Secondary School

May 2022 - Secondary School

May 2022 - Secondary School

April 2022 - Secondary School

April 2022 - Secondary School

April 2022 - Secondary School
They had coped with last minute changes to student numbers; kept us informed of changes in Covid requirements and changes to rooming although the later did present some last minute changes upon arrival at the hotel

April 2022 - Secondary School

March 2022
Generally helpful staff, good rep, but the hotel we were in (The Hotel Olympic Centre, San Sicario) was very poor.

February 2022 - Secondary School
Fantastic company who respond to and organise our every request

July 2021 - Secondary School
Absolutely amazing, could not ask for better
Provider Response: Thank you so much for your five-star review. We are delighted you were so happy with your trip. Kind regards, the Halsbury Team

April 2020 - Secondary School
Extremely helpful with all aspects of planning and organising the trip.

April 2020 - Secondary School
Fantastic support and easy to contact. Fair with pricing and will do all they can to match other quotes.

March 2020 - Secondary School
Very good communication. They really tried hard to get everything right for us. If I rang their office, someone was always there to help. Our agent Leonor was fantastic.

March 2020 - Secondary School
Excellent organisation and assistance from Halsbury Travel.

March 2020 - Secondary School
There were unnecessary maps and documents (Re Ypres) included - even in the title of the final itinerary ! - for a place we had never planned to visit.

March 2020 - Secondary School
This is the second time I have used Halsbury and I was, once again, really pleased with the promptness with which emails were replied to, queries were dealt with and the almost instant feedback requested from Bev, which to me shows a very high level of customer service. This was my first trip to France at my current school, as well as the first ever residential trip where I have been the group leader, so there were a few things that I will know better next time, and which I also wanted to feed back to you and pass on to the hotels Food / dietary requirements. Breakfasts and packed lunches were all good, especially at the Ibis and from Flunch. I understand that there are cultural differences between the UK and France. As my mother is vegetarian, I should perhaps also have been better prepared for the French perception that vegetarians eat fish. I actually had to say to the hotel staff: “Le poisson est mort!” This was only a problem at the Campanile in Amiens where the Ibis Budget sent us for dinner and where an alternative wasn’t offered when the girls explained that vegetarians don’t eat fish. In future, when catering for British parties, the hotel really need to bear in mind that in the UK, vegetarians eat neither meat or fish. Les Pelouses offered an omelette to the vegetarians as a main course, which was fine. They (and some of the staff) were less impressed that the starter for them was simply a chopped tomato with dressing. To be honest, I have seen this offered as a “salad” in Spain, too, but once again I think there was some cultural misunderstanding here, and I think maybe some rocket or eggs might have made it look a bit more appetising to a picky 12 year-old! The MAJOR problem with the food at Les Pelouses was that at least three people found human hairs in their main course. I wasn’t really sure how to deal with this. The first two I didn’t actually see myself and thought it may have been a mistake. By the time a third hair was fished out, I had to go and tell the staff and, as the children had their phones at this point, and were very tired, this created hysteria amongst them which it took us a while to calm down. Accommodation The ibis in Amiens was very good indeed. Everyone was happy with it and we had plenty of time to settle in before dinner. Check-in was smooth as I had emailed them our rooming requirements in advance. They did send us to the nearby Campanile for dinner which it would have helped to know in advance. Although the staff worked extraordinarily hard there, I would not recommended Les Pelouses to anyone. In addition to the major issue with our meal, the hotel rooms were inconsistently-sized and some of the children really didn’t have enough space. I actually checked Halsbury’s information about the hotel and it says in your info that the capacity is 69, with no more than four per room, which would explain why quite a few children had to use camp beds in the smaller rooms where there were five or six of them in there. Obviously there were meant to be 83 of us staying in total. Although we were late arriving, I would say that aiming to have dinner at 6.30pm after checking in at 6.15pm was unrealistic even if we had made it on time. I had emailed the hotel in advance with our rooming requirements / names, but it would seem they did not receive it. Visits / Transport The driver was great. He arrived on time and allowed the children to eat on board. He also stopped off at some services for us at about 7.30am. The Canadians at Vimy / Newfoundland were really helpful and gave us all a tour. We could have done with more scheduled time for this with our large group, though, as the tours were half an hour and we had to split the children into three groups. Thiepval / Lochnager / Somme 1916 - fine Le Fournil / Becasuc / Pain show - utterly brilliant! The driver wasn’t able to park at the Ramparts coach park in Boulogne as neither he nor I could find it so we parked way down by the aquarium. This was a long walk back up to the old town for the boy on crutches. I would rather take the ferry across the channel in future as, although it takes longer, the bus had no windows and we were unable to switch on the air conditioning whilst on Le Shuttle. It was like a sauna! At least on the ferry you can move around (and see the White Cliffs of Dover!)

March 2020 - Secondary School

March 2020 - Secondary School
Fantastic company, every request is met and the itinerary is flexible to meet our needs

February 2020 - Secondary School

February 2020 - Secondary School
Excellent support throughout planning, fantastic communication and very clear requests sent through. The trip pack was great, containing all the information I needed. Support provided whilst on the trip was excellent.

February 2020 - Secondary School
Halsbury were excellent from start to finish. There were very few problems and those that arose were dealt with swiftly.

February 2020 - Secondary School
Wonderfully organised and planned with great support on the app and loads of resources and maps to help

February 2020 - Secondary School

February 2020 - Secondary School

January 2020 - Secondary School

January 2020 - Secondary School

January 2020 - Secondary School
superb company - always provides a good service

January 2020 - Secondary School

January 2020 - Secondary School

January 2020 - Secondary School
Very well organised and really good visits, especially the bakery

December 2019 - Secondary School
Excellent organisation and help

December 2019 - Secondary School
Halsbury Travel were very organised and helpful. I suggested that they liaise a little more closely with the hotel with regards to the food.

December 2019 - Secondary School

December 2019 - Secondary School
Well organised visit by both Halsbury and ISLA language school

December 2019 - Secondary School

December 2019 - Secondary School

December 2019 - Secondary School

December 2019 - Secondary School

December 2019 - Secondary School
Successful visit

December 2019 - Secondary School

November 2019 - Secondary School
Certain aspects very good. They dealt with issues whilst out there quickly and effectively.

November 2019 - Secondary School
Very efficient admin. Answered emails quickly.

November 2019 - Secondary School

November 2019 - Secondary School

November 2019 - Secondary School
Apart from a member of staff leaving 2 weeks before we were due to go on the trip, the staff at Halsbury were extremely helpful and willing to complete anything that I asked of them. We are using them for our next language trip in December.

October 2019 - Secondary School
Provider was generally efficient and helpful. There was a mistake in the programme on arrival but it was unclear whether this was the fault of the provider or the language school. Basically all good.

October 2019 - Secondary School
Excellent trip - Halsbury was very helpful throughout

October 2019 - Secondary School

October 2019 - Secondary School
Had to pay extra for Cathedral visit, didn't get a guide as there was a mix up so ended up been self-led.

October 2019 - Secondary School
Efficient and helpful in planning and delivery. We didn't have an incidents which needed support while we were away.

October 2019 - Secondary School

September 2019 - Secondary School
Family run firm, very supportive and easy to contact with queries and questions which were dealt with quickly. They did not advise us that passenger lists for the ferry crossing needed to be separated by coach - this caused some confusion at the port of Dover, but we dealt with it.

September 2019 - Secondary School
Excellent organisation and travel timings.

September 2019 - Secondary School

September 2019 - Secondary School
This language trip was well organised. Halsbury were quick to respond to emails and they were helpful with any requests that were made.

September 2019 - Secondary School

July 2019 - Secondary School

July 2019 - Secondary School

July 2019 - Secondary School
Accomodation okay and so were the drivers. Good communication times but often unclear. Terrible food.

July 2019 - Secondary School
Very good accommodation with host families vetted by ISLA language school. Excellent language classes and excursions. MM organised 2 separate excursions whilst in Salamanca- going up the tower of the cathedral and visiting an Art Deco museum (Picasso, Miró and Dalí exhibition) with a guided tour in English. Coach transfer on return was delayed and we were 1.5 hours late arriving at school and MM has notified tour agent.

July 2019 - Secondary School

July 2019 - Secondary School
Halsbury were excellent. I would use again and would recommend.

July 2019 - Secondary School

July 2019 - Secondary School
Excellent provider. Helpful when assistance required. All aspect of the itinerary were well planned and organised.

June 2019 - Primary School
An excellent trip with brilliant input from the bakers and from the snail farm. Very well organised and Halsbury Travel were excellent at replying to our queries as this was the first time we had used them.

June 2019 - Secondary School
Overall the company was very helpful and the planned itinerary was spot on for our students to enjoy and gain a fantastic cultural experience. There was a mess up with the hotel with rooms, but I have spoken personally to the travel company about this.

June 2019 - Secondary School

June 2019 - Secondary School
Very good communication throughout, whether through e-mail or phone, and this included during the trip itself, where we had to phone them to ask for a booking to be pushed back an hour.

June 2019 - Secondary School
Excellent service

June 2019 - Primary School

June 2019 - Secondary School

May 2019 - Primary School
Halsbury were great to work with - they came and did a parent presentation that was really useful, they found us excellent flights and perfect accommodation, they were quick to answer our questions and queries and they were very supportive throughout.

May 2019 - Primary School
Awesome Trip

May 2019 - Secondary School

May 2019 - Secondary School
Excellent support from the provider from start to finish. The rep we had out in Spain was excellent too and assisted us at all times. We will definately be using them again for further trips.

May 2019

May 2019 - Secondary School
Halsbury were very organised and patient, we got caught up in a protest and had troubles reaching the EuroTunnel. Everyone I spoke to was helpful and gave good advice on what to do. The driver we had was excellent also!

April 2019 - Secondary School

April 2019 - Secondary School
The communication with Halsbury was good but there were issues with regards to the visit planning but these were quickly resolved by the company. We were happy with the accommodation and the transfers and everything went smoothly on the trip.

April 2019 - Secondary School
Brilliant provision - would thoroughly recommend

April 2019 - Secondary School
Using Halsbury makes my task much easier when we are in Berlin as they provide an excellent pack and make it very easy to visit the places we need to. The weather helped as it was perfect weather to spend time outside exploring Berlin and we were able to walk to more venues than usual, rather than use public transport.

April 2019 - Secondary School
Halsbury are a wonderful company to use, this is the third time we have booked with them to tour Iceland and they created yet another amazing trip. There are still a few little bits to iron out but in general the trip was exactly what the students wanted.

April 2019 - Secondary School
The company was very late with the handbook, they sent our tickets to the wrong school, however the driver was very good and we had a lovely coach

March 2019 - Secondary School

March 2019 - Secondary School
Fantastic company that deal with everything from start to finish

March 2019 - Secondary School
Generally good although some issues in build up, issues with beds and inexperienced rep meant perhaps not to the same standard as in previous years.

March 2019 - Secondary School
First class communication and organisation throughout.

March 2019 - Secondary School
Excellent- efficient and helpful.

March 2019 - Secondary School

February 2019 - Secondary School

February 2019 - Secondary School

February 2019 - Secondary School
Halsbury were very helpful during the lead up and also when we had issues during the trip

February 2019 - Secondary School

February 2019 - Secondary School
Some small problems but these were dealt with efficiently and with good humour bu=y the company. The workshops were a really excellent standard and the trip was, overall, very well run. I would recommend Halsbury - a good price too.

February 2019 - Secondary School
A very successful trip with any minor issues solved quickly and efficiently.

February 2019 - Secondary School

February 2019 - Secondary School

February 2019 - Secondary School

January 2019 - Secondary School
Excellent service and did everything we needed for making an excellent tour.

January 2019 - Secondary School
The lead up to the tour and the support we received was excellent. The local arrangements in China were excellent for the students, the guides were very good.

January 2019 - Secondary School

January 2019 - Secondary School
Excellent organisation, helpful, paperwork sent in advance

January 2019 - Secondary School
the travel company were efficient and helpful. They provided excellent transport and accommodation that met expectations.

January 2019 - Secondary School

January 2019 - Secondary School
The organization by Halsbury was excellent. Just a couple of minor issues on the itinerary, but on the whole, everything was as described and the trip ran smoothly.

December 2018 - Secondary School

December 2018 - Secondary School

December 2018 - Secondary School

December 2018 - Secondary School
Helpful, accessible. No issues

December 2018 - Secondary School
Restaurant for dinner wasn't good enough, the coach company not cooperative

December 2018 - Secondary School

December 2018 - Secondary School

December 2018 - Secondary School

November 2018 - Secondary School
Excellent travel provider who sorted out flights after they had been cancelled.

November 2018 - Secondary School
Halsbury always provide excellent support in the build up to our overseas visits and are on hand to offer advice and assistance for emergency situations during the trip.

November 2018 - Secondary School
Very organised and a wonderful experience for the pupils

November 2018 - Secondary School
Very organised and a wonderful experience for the pupils

November 2018 - Secondary School
Very organised and a wonderful experience for the pupils

November 2018 - Secondary School

October 2018 - Secondary School
Very detailed travel pack sent and supporting APP with all documents needed for the trip

October 2018 - Secondary School

October 2018 - Secondary School

September 2018 - Secondary School
Generally very good - kept in good contact and were felxible and supportive. There were some issues with the itinerary as they had not run this specific trip before.

September 2018 - Secondary School

September 2018 - Secondary School
We have been running this visit in conjunction with Halsbury for 7 years now and have built up an excellent working relationship. Staff are friendly and helpful and on the rare occasions something goes wrong they are always quick to act from the office through to the MD if necessary.

August 2018 - Secondary School

July 2018 - Secondary School
Excellent service- efficient and always willing to help.

July 2018 - Secondary School
Very organised and helpful.

July 2018 - Secondary School

July 2018 - Secondary School

July 2018 - Secondary School
Some aspects of accommodation were not as agreed.

July 2018 - Secondary School
While on the visit there was a near miss incident which has been reported to the travel company. Students had been sent to bed and staff were in the corridors until they quietened down. A group of year 7 girls opened their bedroom door and said that there were boys on the roof, that they could hear them and that they could see the flashes from their mobile phones where they were taking photos. They gave several names, staff went to check the rooms of the boys whose names we had been given. One boy was not in the room, I looked out of the window and he was laying on the roof next to the velux window. We asked students who else had been climbing out of the window onto the roof and they gave us 5 more names of students involved. Students had been told on the first evening not to climb out of the windows as they opened quite wide, nor to go on the roof as the bedrooms were on the third floor.

June 2018 - Secondary School

June 2018 - Secondary School
Very well organised

June 2018 - Secondary School

June 2018 - Secondary School

May 2018 - Secondary School

May 2018 - Secondary School

May 2018 - Secondary School

May 2018 - Secondary School

April 2018 - Secondary School

April 2018
Always helpful and professional.

March 2018 - Secondary School

March 2018 - Secondary School
No problems with the information from Halbury. Very clear itineraries which were updated regularly as our venues changed. James Horsfield came into Northgate to speak to me directly too which was a nice touch. We had very good information packs and luggage tickets, although I would have preferred it if they came two weeks before, rather than one week before the visit, as it meant that I couldn't give out specific information to the students before our meeting. I downloaded their VAMOOS app but couldn't ever get the offline maps to download, despite trying 5 times on UK wifi. Overall, very good.

March 2018 - Secondary School

March 2018 - Secondary School

February 2018 - Secondary School
Everything was efficiently organised. James Wylie was patient and always on hand to help with any question or issue that I had.

February 2018 - Secondary School

February 2018 - Secondary School

February 2018 - Secondary School
Fantastic and trusted service

February 2018 - Secondary School

February 2018 - Secondary School

February 2018 - Secondary School

February 2018 - Secondary School
Very helpful staff at Halsbury Coach driver employed had very limited knowledge and seemed quite inexperienced.

January 2018 - Secondary School

January 2018 - Secondary School
Very helpful, well organised trip.

December 2017 - Secondary School
A very professional company. Very well organised.

December 2017 - Secondary School

December 2017 - Secondary School
As ever Halsbury Travel have been excellent and very supportive.

December 2017 - Secondary School

December 2017 - Secondary School

December 2017 - Secondary School
well planned and excellent tour guide