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RSPB Pagham Harbour

Supporting curriculum-based learning outdoors


Immerse your class in hands-on learning with an educational school visit to our fabulous nature reserve. Our sessions are led by RSPB education professionals who are specialists in their field and able to engage all abilities, while helping you meet your learning objectives.

It's a great opportunity to inspire your children to talk about their science and geography learning while fully engaging in the great outdoors.
- Curriculum linked half or full day sessions
- Varied and well-paced sessions
- Get pupils working scientifically and using technical vocabulary in context
- Build pupils’ resilience and character
- Potential for ongoing learning back in the classroom

Sitting in one of the few undeveloped stretches of the Sussex coast, Pagham and Medmerry are important places for many species of birds, insects, mammals and plants.

RSPB Medmerry now offers essential geographical courses including;
KS3 Geographical fieldwork
KS4 Coastal Landscapes and Management
KS5 A level Coasts.
Activities include a wide range of geographical fieldwork sessions, including: measuring the beach profile inside and outside the re-alignment zone, recording beach particle size, establishing the direction of longshore drift, identifying wave type, measuring the strength and direction of the wind, undertaking a field sketch, taking qualitative observations and writing their own risk assessment.

The sessions teach fieldwork techniques relevant for GCSE and A level exams, and students' geographical investigations. Case studies can be found on the Geagraphical Associations website. Historical fieldwork data is also available.

Pagham Harbour offers the unique opportunity to visit our saltmarsh habitat. Children will be working scientifically to investigate specialised plants and identify the minibeasts in the mud samples they collect. The saltmarsh-based sessions reveal foodchains in action: plants, invertebrates and wading birds. At nearby Church Norton, children can visit our shingle coastline, and discover the fascinating story of Pagham spit.

The Land and pond minibeast discovery area, classroom and large bird-hide allow children to have a fun, safe and educational visit.


The following reviews have been added by visit leaders using the EVOLVE system.
2 reviews


Very Good




(October 2023 - Primary School)

(October 2023 - Secondary School)


RSPB Pagham Harbour
Selsey Road
West Sussex
PO20 7NE


All prices are per pupil
Early Years & Primary: half day £4; full day £6.50.
Minimum charges apply: £80 (half day); £130 (full day)

Secondary: full day £8;
Minimum charge applies £160

A level/Advanced Higher: full day £10
Minimum charge applies: £160

Opening Times

School sessions run on week days.
Each programme is designed to last two hours. Sessions run from 10am to 12pm and then 12.30 to 2.30pm. Two programmes can be combined to make a whole-day visit.
Please email to check availability.

Supporting curriculum-based learning outdoors


Immerse your class in hands-on learning with an educational school visit to our fabulous nature reserve. Our sessions are led by RSPB education professionals who are specialists in their field and able to engage all abilities, while helping you meet your learning objectives.

It's a great opportunity to inspire your children to talk about their science and geography learning while fully engaging in the great outdoors.
- Curriculum linked half or full day sessions
- Varied and well-paced sessions
- Get pupils working scientifically and using technical vocabulary in context
- Build pupils’ resilience and character
- Potential for ongoing learning back in the classroom

Sitting in one of the few undeveloped stretches of the Sussex coast, Pagham and Medmerry are important places for many species of birds, insects, mammals and plants.

RSPB Medmerry now offers essential geographical courses including;
KS3 Geographical fieldwork
KS4 Coastal Landscapes and Management
KS5 A level Coasts.
Activities include a wide range of geographical fieldwork sessions, including: measuring the beach profile inside and outside the re-alignment zone, recording beach particle size, establishing the direction of longshore drift, identifying wave type, measuring the strength and direction of the wind, undertaking a field sketch, taking qualitative observations and writing their own risk assessment.

The sessions teach fieldwork techniques relevant for GCSE and A level exams, and students' geographical investigations. Case studies can be found on the Geagraphical Associations website. Historical fieldwork data is also available.

Pagham Harbour offers the unique opportunity to visit our saltmarsh habitat. Children will be working scientifically to investigate specialised plants and identify the minibeasts in the mud samples they collect. The saltmarsh-based sessions reveal foodchains in action: plants, invertebrates and wading birds. At nearby Church Norton, children can visit our shingle coastline, and discover the fascinating story of Pagham spit.

The Land and pond minibeast discovery area, classroom and large bird-hide allow children to have a fun, safe and educational visit.


All prices are per pupil
Early Years & Primary: half day £4; full day £6.50.
Minimum charges apply: £80 (half day); £130 (full day)

Secondary: full day £8;
Minimum charge applies £160

A level/Advanced Higher: full day £10
Minimum charge applies: £160

Opening Times

School sessions run on week days.
Each programme is designed to last two hours. Sessions run from 10am to 12pm and then 12.30 to 2.30pm. Two programmes can be combined to make a whole-day visit.
Please email to check availability.


RSPB Pagham Harbour
Selsey Road
West Sussex
PO20 7NE


The following reviews have been added by visit leaders using the EVOLVE system.
2 reviews


Very Good




October 2023 - Primary School

October 2023 - Secondary School