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Thorpe Park


No further information has been added by this provider yet.


The following reviews have been added by visit leaders using the EVOLVE system.
220 reviews


Very Good




Would suggest the workshops but when we arrived nobody was there to take the workshop (July 2024 - Secondary School)

(July 2024 - Secondary School)

(July 2024 - Secondary School)

(July 2024 - Secondary School)

(July 2024 - Secondary School)

(July 2024 - Secondary School)

(July 2024 - Secondary School)

(July 2024 - Secondary School)

(July 2024 - Secondary School)

(July 2024 - Secondary School)

A reward for a hard year well done! (July 2024 - Secondary School)

Difficult to tie to a particular subject area. (July 2024 - Secondary School)

(July 2024 - Secondary School)

AS a reward trip not really suitable for a subject based visit. (July 2024 - Secondary School)

(June 2024 - Secondary School)

This was a reward trip which was perfect. Everyone had a great time. You can also do science workshops there as well which are apparently good. (June 2024 - Secondary School)

(May 2024 - Primary School)

(May 2024 - Secondary School)

Reward for after SATS/assessment week. (May 2024 - Primary School)

(May 2024 - Secondary School)

(May 2024)

(May 2024 - Secondary School)

(May 2024 - Secondary School)

(May 2024)

(April 2024 - Secondary School)

(April 2024)

(March 2024 - Primary School)

(March 2024 - Secondary School)

(March 2024 - Primary School)

(January 2024 - Secondary School)

(November 2023 - Secondary School)

(October 2023)

(October 2023 - Secondary School)

(October 2023 - Secondary School)

(October 2023 - Secondary School)

(October 2023 - Secondary School)

(September 2023 - Secondary School)

(September 2023 - Primary School)

(September 2023)

(September 2023 - Primary School)

(September 2023 - Secondary School)

(September 2023 - Secondary School)

(September 2023 - Secondary School)

(September 2023 - Secondary School)

We didn't go as part of an educational session or talk but I know they have them. (September 2023 - Secondary School)

(September 2023 - Secondary School)

(September 2023)

(August 2023 - Secondary School)

(August 2023 - Secondary School)

(August 2023 - Secondary School)

(July 2023 - Secondary School)

Inside the venue is great, although there are often very long queues for rides. (July 2023 - Secondary School)

(July 2023 - Secondary School)

Great park, but extremely busy. I found the entrance for school groups very chaotic. (July 2023 - Secondary School)

Students built great connections with each other and staff (July 2023 - Secondary School)

(July 2023 - Secondary School)

(July 2023 - Secondary School)

(July 2023 - Secondary School)

(July 2023 - Primary School & Secondary School)

Departure from LVS time to be brought forward – coach appeared to get lost on the way! Departure from Thorpe Park time of 2.45 worked very well. We arrived on-site at 3.50 pm Lunches: Would advise handing these out before arriving at Thorpe Park as it is not safe to do so in the coach park. Also, the large trays can be returned – we came back on a different coach so have no idea what happened to the trays and unclaimed lunches. 17 lunches went unclaimed as students would not take them. Ride queue time ran to an hour for the popular rides and the park wasn’t particularly busy. Changes for next year:- 1. Leave earlier to arrive at 10 am at the latest: the new Thorpe Park coach park protocols are time-consuming. 2. Give out the tickets on the coach as everyone must show their tickets to the Thorpe Park steward s they disembark the coach. A green / red placard is provided and must be displayed in the window of the coach before anyone can disembark. 3. Full bag checks are being carried out as standard. 4. Meeting point: Suggest the Dome. We used the picnic seating area near Stealth and were bombarded by Country and Western music all day! 5. Suggest using the fast track – although this will add to the cost. (July 2023)

(June 2023 - Secondary School)

(June 2023 - Secondary School)

(June 2023 - Secondary School)

(June 2023)

(June 2023 - Primary School)

Fun day had by all (May 2023 - Primary School & Secondary School)

(May 2023 - Primary School)

(April 2023 - Secondary School)

(April 2023 - Secondary School)

(April 2023)

(April 2023)

(February 2023 - Primary School)

(February 2023 - Secondary School)

(February 2023 - Secondary School)

(January 2023 - Secondary School)

This was a reward trip (on the hottest day of the year) and a great time was had by all. (December 2022 - Secondary School)

(November 2022 - Secondary School)

(November 2022 - Secondary School)

(November 2022 - Secondary School)

The KS3 science workshop was very short but covered all that the kids needed to know and gave them plenty of time to enjoy the park (November 2022 - Secondary School)

(November 2022 - Secondary School)

This visit was in conjunction with travel & tourism. (October 2022 - Secondary School)

We take our college students early in the term for team building. Another great visit this year. (October 2022 - Secondary School)

(October 2022 - Secondary School)

(October 2022 - Primary School & Secondary School)

(September 2022 - Secondary School)

It was an excellent reward trip. (September 2022 - Secondary School)

(September 2022 - Secondary School)

Thorpe Park is now looking very tired and a bit rough around the edges. This trip coincide with Thorpe park schools day, which meant long delays getting into the park and considerable amounts of queuing once inside (September 2022 - Secondary School)

Reward Trip (July 2022 - Secondary School)

(July 2022 - Secondary School)

Great venue for a rewards trip but as a summer rewards visit in the last couple of weeks of term, Thorpe Park didn't have enough staff to get students in quickly. Even with a good structure in place, it took our group 1hr to get in due to security checks. More staff need to be allocated to this role in the future. (July 2022 - Secondary School)

(July 2022 - Secondary School)

Unfortunately the weather halted the plans. (July 2022 - Secondary School)

(July 2022 - Secondary School)

(June 2022 - Secondary School)

(June 2022 - Secondary School)

(June 2022)

(May 2022 - Secondary School)

unfortunately couldn't run the trip with Diss for travel or business due to low numbers but have done with my previous school and it was amazing (May 2022 - Secondary School)

unfortunately couldn't run the trip with Diss for travel or business due to low numbers but have done with my previous school and it was amazing (May 2022 - Secondary School)

(May 2022 - Secondary School)

The students loved the day out, all the rides were open which helped. (May 2022 - Secondary School)

Great way to round up the end of Year 11 (May 2022 - Secondary School)

(May 2022 - Secondary School)

(May 2022 - Secondary School)

All subjects (April 2022)

(April 2022 - Secondary School)

(January 2022 - Secondary School)

(January 2022 - Secondary School)

(January 2022 - Secondary School)

(November 2021 - Secondary School)

(November 2021 - Primary School & Secondary School)

(November 2021 - Secondary School)

(October 2021 - Secondary School)

Excellent communication and service with vsit no issues (September 2021 - Secondary School)

Long queues to get in and on the rides but the children all had a great time (July 2021 - Secondary School)

Staff very helpful but could have had more staff on at these peak times for school trips so it would have facilitated less queueing at the entrance. Students were able to access most of the rides and all of the facilities they would have required. (July 2021 - Secondary School)

Very busy. Clearly organised on arrival and little/no waiting to get in. (July 2021 - Secondary School)

(July 2021)

Great celebration day for students. Very long queues. (July 2021 - Secondary School)

Quality of communication prior to the visit was excellent making the day run smoothly. (June 2021 - Secondary School)

(June 2021 - Secondary School)

(June 2021 - Secondary School)

Great day out for the students. (May 2021 - Secondary School)

(February 2020 - Secondary School)

(January 2020 - Secondary School)

Good presentation - helpful for unit 1 exam (January 2020 - Secondary School)

It is a good trip, however it is better to go to Thorpe park when no other schools are there. Students que for a long time and they have removed the Chesterfield Sofas from The Dome so the staff have to sit on not so comfortable chairs. (December 2019 - Secondary School)

(November 2019 - Secondary School)

Excellent (November 2019 - Secondary School)

An excellent seminar - it provided the information needed for the students to complete their coursework. (November 2019 - Secondary School)

(November 2019 - Primary School)

Great venue and lots to learn - education officer not so good at the minute - still learning himself. (October 2019 - Secondary School)

Excellent Theme Park - Education part of the day was poor. (October 2019 - Secondary School)

(October 2019 - Secondary School)

(October 2019 - Secondary School)

It is an ideal venue for secondary school students to have an enjoyable out of school reward experience. (October 2019 - Secondary School)

(October 2019 - Secondary School)

(September 2019 - Secondary School)

Well thought-out checkin and Ok facilities, but very, very busy. Students queued so long that many only got onto 2 rides (September 2019 - Secondary School)

Entrance to venue very organized, smooth running. It took a long time to discover where students could refill their water bottles for free, lack of signage. Food etc is expensive. Staff very helpful. Clean and tidy. (September 2019 - Secondary School)

(September 2019 - Secondary School)

Excellent (September 2019)

Good for rides but not for educational value. (August 2019 - Secondary School)

(August 2019 - Secondary School)

(July 2019 - Secondary School)

(July 2019 - Secondary School)

Thorpe Park did invoice the school very late. Only a day before departure! (July 2019 - Secondary School)

(July 2019 - Secondary School)

(July 2019 - Secondary School)

Long queues at the start of the day and delays in getting tickets. Got into the park at 11.10am when it should have been 10am. (July 2019 - Secondary School)

(July 2019 - Secondary School)

(July 2019 - Secondary School)

(July 2019 - Primary School & Secondary School)

(July 2019 - Secondary School)

(July 2019 - Secondary School)

(July 2019 - Primary School)

Great Day! (June 2019 - Secondary School)

(June 2019 - Secondary School)

(June 2019 - Secondary School)

Students were obedient and very well behaved. (June 2019 - Secondary School)

(May 2019 - Secondary School)

(May 2019 - Secondary School)

High winds resulted in numerous rides being out of use. (May 2019 - Secondary School)

A very successful day, with no issues whatsoever. (April 2019 - Secondary School)

Excellent trip. Glad that I took that students to Thorpe Park. (April 2019 - Secondary School)

(February 2019 - Secondary School)

Very long waiting time to enter the park due to tickets not being ready. Students were only able to go on one/two rides in the whole day. (February 2019 - Secondary School)

(January 2019 - Secondary School)

(January 2019 - Secondary School)

Thorpe park was good, the young people enjoyed it but unfortunately it was disappointing that a lot of the rides were closed or not up to expectation and some broke down after long queue times (November 2018 - Secondary School)

Staff were accommodating and helpful with the SEMH needs of our students. A wonderful trip for the whole group. (November 2018 - Secondary School)

(November 2018 - Secondary School)

(November 2018 - Secondary School)

(November 2018 - Secondary School)

Students engaged well and achieved objectives (October 2018 - Secondary School)

(October 2018 - Secondary School)

Very engaging and informative TED talk on the science of rollercoasters. (October 2018 - Secondary School)

(October 2018 - Secondary School)

(October 2018 - Secondary School)

Always popular with the students. Great facilities. (October 2018 - Secondary School)

Students really enjoyed the day and the rides on offer. (October 2018 - Secondary School)

(October 2018 - Secondary School)

(October 2018 - Secondary School)

Students and staff had a great time and the outing helped them develop socially. (October 2018 - Secondary School)

(September 2018)

(September 2018 - Secondary School)

Excellent facilities, very short queue times and a fantastic mathematics workshop hosted by the park team! (September 2018 - Primary School)

All good, but disappointed to find that the restaurant was card only, and there didn't seem to be many signs on exiting the globe into the park. (September 2018 - Secondary School)

(September 2018 - Secondary School)

(September 2018 - Secondary School)

(September 2018 - Secondary School)

not enough time to ride attractions even off peak !!! (August 2018 - Secondary School)

It was very busy and they weren’t very well organised to handle the number of School trips there, (August 2018 - Secondary School)

(August 2018 - Secondary School)

Exceptionally busy and not as well organized their end compared to previous years visiting at the same time of year. (August 2018 - Secondary School)

(July 2018 - Secondary School)

(July 2018 - Secondary School)

(July 2018 - Secondary School)

(July 2018 - Secondary School)

A really good trip for the students they enjoyed it and everything they wanted was available onsite at Thorpe Park. What was particularly good was that because we were an educational group we were able to avoid all of the queues for tickets etc. (July 2018 - Secondary School)

The first workshop was cancelled by Thorpe Park. The second workshop lasted 20 minutes. (June 2018 - Secondary School)

(June 2018 - Secondary School)

"Excellent STEM activity that really engaged the students. They saw the science and maths involved in constructing and running a roller-coaster and a theme park" (June 2018 - Secondary School)

(June 2018 - Secondary School)

(June 2018 - Secondary School)

(June 2018)

Thorpe Park offers a good experience for students and our group largely enjoyed the day. However, when we arrived at the park our tickets were not ready and we had a delay in getting into the park. Also, some of the rides and facilities were closed for the day, which put a strain on the facilities and rides that were open and meant there were long queues. (June 2018 - Secondary School)

It was really easy to work with the staff at Thorpe Park. They responded promptly to emails / queries before the trip and nearly everything went smoothly on the day. The only blip was two pupils getting injured (grazed / bruised arms) on a ride (haunted house style) where all the lights went out and an employee shouted to 'run'. Anne Thompson has been in touch with the park about this and a manager is now liaising with PJP about some kind of compensation. (June 2018 - Secondary School)

Great park - age appropriate (June 2018 - Secondary School)

(May 2018 - Secondary School)

Thorpe park (in partnership with middlesex university) were helpful and informative (May 2018 - Secondary School)

(April 2018 - Secondary School)

(April 2018)

issues with getting the students off the bus - discussed with the staff at Thorpe park. (April 2018 - Secondary School)

A good day out was had by all the students and the fast access system for SEN worked well for our students. (March 2018 - Secondary School)

(February 2018 - Secondary School)

(February 2018 - Secondary School)

(February 2018 - Secondary School)


No further information has been added by this provider.


Thorpe Park
Thorpe Road
RM14 3UX


The following reviews have been added by visit leaders using the EVOLVE system.
220 reviews


Very Good




July 2024 - Secondary School
Would suggest the workshops but when we arrived nobody was there to take the workshop

July 2024 - Secondary School

July 2024 - Secondary School

July 2024 - Secondary School

July 2024 - Secondary School

July 2024 - Secondary School

July 2024 - Secondary School

July 2024 - Secondary School

July 2024 - Secondary School

July 2024 - Secondary School

July 2024 - Secondary School
A reward for a hard year well done!

July 2024 - Secondary School
Difficult to tie to a particular subject area.

July 2024 - Secondary School

July 2024 - Secondary School
AS a reward trip not really suitable for a subject based visit.

June 2024 - Secondary School

June 2024 - Secondary School
This was a reward trip which was perfect. Everyone had a great time. You can also do science workshops there as well which are apparently good.

May 2024 - Primary School

May 2024 - Secondary School

May 2024 - Primary School
Reward for after SATS/assessment week.

May 2024 - Secondary School

May 2024

May 2024 - Secondary School

May 2024 - Secondary School

May 2024

April 2024 - Secondary School

April 2024

March 2024 - Primary School

March 2024 - Secondary School

March 2024 - Primary School

January 2024 - Secondary School

November 2023 - Secondary School

October 2023

October 2023 - Secondary School

October 2023 - Secondary School

October 2023 - Secondary School

October 2023 - Secondary School

September 2023 - Secondary School

September 2023 - Primary School

September 2023

September 2023 - Primary School

September 2023 - Secondary School

September 2023 - Secondary School

September 2023 - Secondary School

September 2023 - Secondary School

September 2023 - Secondary School
We didn't go as part of an educational session or talk but I know they have them.

September 2023 - Secondary School

September 2023

August 2023 - Secondary School

August 2023 - Secondary School

August 2023 - Secondary School

July 2023 - Secondary School

July 2023 - Secondary School
Inside the venue is great, although there are often very long queues for rides.

July 2023 - Secondary School

July 2023 - Secondary School
Great park, but extremely busy. I found the entrance for school groups very chaotic.

July 2023 - Secondary School
Students built great connections with each other and staff

July 2023 - Secondary School

July 2023 - Secondary School

July 2023 - Secondary School

July 2023 - Primary School & Secondary School

July 2023
Departure from LVS time to be brought forward – coach appeared to get lost on the way! Departure from Thorpe Park time of 2.45 worked very well. We arrived on-site at 3.50 pm Lunches: Would advise handing these out before arriving at Thorpe Park as it is not safe to do so in the coach park. Also, the large trays can be returned – we came back on a different coach so have no idea what happened to the trays and unclaimed lunches. 17 lunches went unclaimed as students would not take them. Ride queue time ran to an hour for the popular rides and the park wasn’t particularly busy. Changes for next year:- 1. Leave earlier to arrive at 10 am at the latest: the new Thorpe Park coach park protocols are time-consuming. 2. Give out the tickets on the coach as everyone must show their tickets to the Thorpe Park steward s they disembark the coach. A green / red placard is provided and must be displayed in the window of the coach before anyone can disembark. 3. Full bag checks are being carried out as standard. 4. Meeting point: Suggest the Dome. We used the picnic seating area near Stealth and were bombarded by Country and Western music all day! 5. Suggest using the fast track – although this will add to the cost.

June 2023 - Secondary School

June 2023 - Secondary School

June 2023 - Secondary School

June 2023

June 2023 - Primary School

May 2023 - Primary School & Secondary School
Fun day had by all

May 2023 - Primary School

April 2023 - Secondary School

April 2023 - Secondary School

April 2023

April 2023

February 2023 - Primary School

February 2023 - Secondary School

February 2023 - Secondary School

January 2023 - Secondary School

December 2022 - Secondary School
This was a reward trip (on the hottest day of the year) and a great time was had by all.

November 2022 - Secondary School

November 2022 - Secondary School

November 2022 - Secondary School

November 2022 - Secondary School
The KS3 science workshop was very short but covered all that the kids needed to know and gave them plenty of time to enjoy the park

November 2022 - Secondary School

October 2022 - Secondary School
This visit was in conjunction with travel & tourism.

October 2022 - Secondary School
We take our college students early in the term for team building. Another great visit this year.

October 2022 - Secondary School

October 2022 - Primary School & Secondary School

September 2022 - Secondary School

September 2022 - Secondary School
It was an excellent reward trip.

September 2022 - Secondary School

September 2022 - Secondary School
Thorpe Park is now looking very tired and a bit rough around the edges. This trip coincide with Thorpe park schools day, which meant long delays getting into the park and considerable amounts of queuing once inside

July 2022 - Secondary School
Reward Trip

July 2022 - Secondary School

July 2022 - Secondary School
Great venue for a rewards trip but as a summer rewards visit in the last couple of weeks of term, Thorpe Park didn't have enough staff to get students in quickly. Even with a good structure in place, it took our group 1hr to get in due to security checks. More staff need to be allocated to this role in the future.

July 2022 - Secondary School

July 2022 - Secondary School
Unfortunately the weather halted the plans.

July 2022 - Secondary School

June 2022 - Secondary School

June 2022 - Secondary School

June 2022

May 2022 - Secondary School

May 2022 - Secondary School
unfortunately couldn't run the trip with Diss for travel or business due to low numbers but have done with my previous school and it was amazing

May 2022 - Secondary School
unfortunately couldn't run the trip with Diss for travel or business due to low numbers but have done with my previous school and it was amazing

May 2022 - Secondary School

May 2022 - Secondary School
The students loved the day out, all the rides were open which helped.

May 2022 - Secondary School
Great way to round up the end of Year 11

May 2022 - Secondary School

May 2022 - Secondary School

April 2022
All subjects

April 2022 - Secondary School

January 2022 - Secondary School

January 2022 - Secondary School

January 2022 - Secondary School

November 2021 - Secondary School

November 2021 - Primary School & Secondary School

November 2021 - Secondary School

October 2021 - Secondary School

September 2021 - Secondary School
Excellent communication and service with vsit no issues

July 2021 - Secondary School
Long queues to get in and on the rides but the children all had a great time

July 2021 - Secondary School
Staff very helpful but could have had more staff on at these peak times for school trips so it would have facilitated less queueing at the entrance. Students were able to access most of the rides and all of the facilities they would have required.

July 2021 - Secondary School
Very busy. Clearly organised on arrival and little/no waiting to get in.

July 2021

July 2021 - Secondary School
Great celebration day for students. Very long queues.

June 2021 - Secondary School
Quality of communication prior to the visit was excellent making the day run smoothly.

June 2021 - Secondary School

June 2021 - Secondary School

May 2021 - Secondary School
Great day out for the students.

February 2020 - Secondary School

January 2020 - Secondary School

January 2020 - Secondary School
Good presentation - helpful for unit 1 exam

December 2019 - Secondary School
It is a good trip, however it is better to go to Thorpe park when no other schools are there. Students que for a long time and they have removed the Chesterfield Sofas from The Dome so the staff have to sit on not so comfortable chairs.

November 2019 - Secondary School

November 2019 - Secondary School

November 2019 - Secondary School
An excellent seminar - it provided the information needed for the students to complete their coursework.

November 2019 - Primary School

October 2019 - Secondary School
Great venue and lots to learn - education officer not so good at the minute - still learning himself.

October 2019 - Secondary School
Excellent Theme Park - Education part of the day was poor.

October 2019 - Secondary School

October 2019 - Secondary School

October 2019 - Secondary School
It is an ideal venue for secondary school students to have an enjoyable out of school reward experience.

October 2019 - Secondary School

September 2019 - Secondary School

September 2019 - Secondary School
Well thought-out checkin and Ok facilities, but very, very busy. Students queued so long that many only got onto 2 rides

September 2019 - Secondary School
Entrance to venue very organized, smooth running. It took a long time to discover where students could refill their water bottles for free, lack of signage. Food etc is expensive. Staff very helpful. Clean and tidy.

September 2019 - Secondary School

September 2019

August 2019 - Secondary School
Good for rides but not for educational value.

August 2019 - Secondary School

July 2019 - Secondary School

July 2019 - Secondary School

July 2019 - Secondary School
Thorpe Park did invoice the school very late. Only a day before departure!

July 2019 - Secondary School

July 2019 - Secondary School

July 2019 - Secondary School
Long queues at the start of the day and delays in getting tickets. Got into the park at 11.10am when it should have been 10am.

July 2019 - Secondary School

July 2019 - Secondary School

July 2019 - Primary School & Secondary School

July 2019 - Secondary School

July 2019 - Secondary School

July 2019 - Primary School

June 2019 - Secondary School
Great Day!

June 2019 - Secondary School

June 2019 - Secondary School

June 2019 - Secondary School
Students were obedient and very well behaved.

May 2019 - Secondary School

May 2019 - Secondary School

May 2019 - Secondary School
High winds resulted in numerous rides being out of use.

April 2019 - Secondary School
A very successful day, with no issues whatsoever.

April 2019 - Secondary School
Excellent trip. Glad that I took that students to Thorpe Park.

February 2019 - Secondary School

February 2019 - Secondary School
Very long waiting time to enter the park due to tickets not being ready. Students were only able to go on one/two rides in the whole day.

January 2019 - Secondary School

January 2019 - Secondary School

November 2018 - Secondary School
Thorpe park was good, the young people enjoyed it but unfortunately it was disappointing that a lot of the rides were closed or not up to expectation and some broke down after long queue times

November 2018 - Secondary School
Staff were accommodating and helpful with the SEMH needs of our students. A wonderful trip for the whole group.

November 2018 - Secondary School

November 2018 - Secondary School

November 2018 - Secondary School

October 2018 - Secondary School
Students engaged well and achieved objectives

October 2018 - Secondary School

October 2018 - Secondary School
Very engaging and informative TED talk on the science of rollercoasters.

October 2018 - Secondary School

October 2018 - Secondary School

October 2018 - Secondary School
Always popular with the students. Great facilities.

October 2018 - Secondary School
Students really enjoyed the day and the rides on offer.

October 2018 - Secondary School

October 2018 - Secondary School

October 2018 - Secondary School
Students and staff had a great time and the outing helped them develop socially.

September 2018

September 2018 - Secondary School

September 2018 - Primary School
Excellent facilities, very short queue times and a fantastic mathematics workshop hosted by the park team!

September 2018 - Secondary School
All good, but disappointed to find that the restaurant was card only, and there didn't seem to be many signs on exiting the globe into the park.

September 2018 - Secondary School

September 2018 - Secondary School

September 2018 - Secondary School

August 2018 - Secondary School
not enough time to ride attractions even off peak !!!

August 2018 - Secondary School
It was very busy and they weren’t very well organised to handle the number of School trips there,

August 2018 - Secondary School

August 2018 - Secondary School
Exceptionally busy and not as well organized their end compared to previous years visiting at the same time of year.

July 2018 - Secondary School

July 2018 - Secondary School

July 2018 - Secondary School

July 2018 - Secondary School

July 2018 - Secondary School
A really good trip for the students they enjoyed it and everything they wanted was available onsite at Thorpe Park. What was particularly good was that because we were an educational group we were able to avoid all of the queues for tickets etc.

June 2018 - Secondary School
The first workshop was cancelled by Thorpe Park. The second workshop lasted 20 minutes.

June 2018 - Secondary School

June 2018 - Secondary School
"Excellent STEM activity that really engaged the students. They saw the science and maths involved in constructing and running a roller-coaster and a theme park"

June 2018 - Secondary School

June 2018 - Secondary School

June 2018

June 2018 - Secondary School
Thorpe Park offers a good experience for students and our group largely enjoyed the day. However, when we arrived at the park our tickets were not ready and we had a delay in getting into the park. Also, some of the rides and facilities were closed for the day, which put a strain on the facilities and rides that were open and meant there were long queues.

June 2018 - Secondary School
It was really easy to work with the staff at Thorpe Park. They responded promptly to emails / queries before the trip and nearly everything went smoothly on the day. The only blip was two pupils getting injured (grazed / bruised arms) on a ride (haunted house style) where all the lights went out and an employee shouted to 'run'. Anne Thompson has been in touch with the park about this and a manager is now liaising with PJP about some kind of compensation.

June 2018 - Secondary School
Great park - age appropriate

May 2018 - Secondary School

May 2018 - Secondary School
Thorpe park (in partnership with middlesex university) were helpful and informative

April 2018 - Secondary School

April 2018

April 2018 - Secondary School
issues with getting the students off the bus - discussed with the staff at Thorpe park.

March 2018 - Secondary School
A good day out was had by all the students and the fast access system for SEN worked well for our students.

February 2018 - Secondary School

February 2018 - Secondary School

February 2018 - Secondary School