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Rushall Farm


No further information has been added by this provider yet.


The following reviews have been added by visit leaders using the EVOLVE system.
54 reviews


Very Good




It is an outdoor venue perfect for giving children the opportunity to complete team work/ building, field work and new experiences rather than academic subjects. (June 2024 - Primary School)

(May 2024 - Primary School)

Great provider (May 2024 - Secondary School)

DofE (May 2024 - Secondary School)

(May 2024)

(April 2024 - Primary School)

All volunteers were very knowledgeable about subjects and good rapour with the children. (March 2024 - Primary School)

(March 2024 - Primary School)

(February 2024)

(October 2023 - Secondary School)

(October 2023 - Secondary School)

A wonderful location to enjoy our local wildlife and to experience the pleasure of being outside. (July 2023 - Secondary School)

Hampton Court - not Rushall Farm (July 2023 - Secondary School)

(June 2023 - Secondary School)

(June 2023)

(May 2023 - Primary School)

(May 2023 - Primary School)

The farm staff are very good and pitch the activities perfectly (March 2023 - Primary School)

(February 2023 - Secondary School)

(January 2023)

(December 2022 - Primary School)

(October 2022 - Secondary School)

(October 2022 - Secondary School)

(October 2022 - Secondary School)

(September 2022 - Primary School)

(August 2022 - Primary School)

(August 2022 - Secondary School)

(July 2022 - Primary School)

An excellent visit as always. The students really benefit from seeing a working farm. (July 2022 - Secondary School)

(July 2022 - Secondary School)

Duke of Edinburgh - Practice Expedition (June 2022 - Secondary School)

(June 2022 - Primary School)

(March 2022 - Secondary School)

(March 2022 - Primary School)

(January 2022 - Primary School)

It is important to take enough adults for 2 per group as 1 teacher working on their own with the Rushall Farm member of staff is insufficient and makes the trip very stressful. (January 2022 - Primary School)

(September 2021 - Secondary School)

(September 2021 - Secondary School)

(September 2021 - Primary School)

Super trip. The children loved setting up their tents and slept well! The facilities are great and the staff very attentive. The days were filled with activities and just enough free time to allow thie children some independence. We particularly loved the river dipping. (September 2021 - Primary School)

Rushall Farm were a great host for our trip. They were very welcoming and organised and helped the day run really smoothly. The children had a great time and learnt lots. (June 2021)

Very welcoming and pitched at the perfect level. Staff planned learning and activities with teachers throughout. (April 2020 - Primary School)

(February 2020 - Primary School)

Excellent staff knowledge and age appropriate activities. (July 2019 - Primary School)

A good trip, well organised by Rushall Form. Students took away alot from their visit there. (July 2019 - Secondary School)

(June 2019 - Primary School)

(March 2019 - Primary School)

Curriculum aims met, staff friendly on day, facilities were good. Timings went a bit askew - only 1 tractor used on day meant group late back to school and coach company very unhappy as their schedule for school pick ups was upset. (March 2019 - Primary School)

(July 2018 - Secondary School)

The facilities were not suitable for the amount of people on site and how much we paid. (June 2018 - Secondary School)

Communication with the farm before the visit was excellent; they answered my questions promptly and kindly shared a detailed risk assessment. My request for 5 groups was met - for which I was most grateful. On the day the farm tutors were all knowledgeable. The students had a most productive, enjoyable day. (June 2018 - Secondary School)

(March 2018 - Secondary School)

very knowledgeable staff who are very good at catering for the groups individual needs. information at appropriate level for group. (March 2018 - Primary School)

Very informative and helpful staff. The children learnt a lot and thoroughly enjoyed the day. (February 2018)


No further information has been added by this provider.


Rushall Farm
Scratchface Lane


The following reviews have been added by visit leaders using the EVOLVE system.
54 reviews


Very Good




June 2024 - Primary School
It is an outdoor venue perfect for giving children the opportunity to complete team work/ building, field work and new experiences rather than academic subjects.

May 2024 - Primary School

May 2024 - Secondary School
Great provider

May 2024 - Secondary School

May 2024

April 2024 - Primary School

March 2024 - Primary School
All volunteers were very knowledgeable about subjects and good rapour with the children.

March 2024 - Primary School

February 2024

October 2023 - Secondary School

October 2023 - Secondary School

July 2023 - Secondary School
A wonderful location to enjoy our local wildlife and to experience the pleasure of being outside.

July 2023 - Secondary School
Hampton Court - not Rushall Farm

June 2023 - Secondary School

June 2023

May 2023 - Primary School

May 2023 - Primary School

March 2023 - Primary School
The farm staff are very good and pitch the activities perfectly

February 2023 - Secondary School

January 2023

December 2022 - Primary School

October 2022 - Secondary School

October 2022 - Secondary School

October 2022 - Secondary School

September 2022 - Primary School

August 2022 - Primary School

August 2022 - Secondary School

July 2022 - Primary School

July 2022 - Secondary School
An excellent visit as always. The students really benefit from seeing a working farm.

July 2022 - Secondary School

June 2022 - Secondary School
Duke of Edinburgh - Practice Expedition

June 2022 - Primary School

March 2022 - Secondary School

March 2022 - Primary School

January 2022 - Primary School

January 2022 - Primary School
It is important to take enough adults for 2 per group as 1 teacher working on their own with the Rushall Farm member of staff is insufficient and makes the trip very stressful.

September 2021 - Secondary School

September 2021 - Secondary School

September 2021 - Primary School

September 2021 - Primary School
Super trip. The children loved setting up their tents and slept well! The facilities are great and the staff very attentive. The days were filled with activities and just enough free time to allow thie children some independence. We particularly loved the river dipping.

June 2021
Rushall Farm were a great host for our trip. They were very welcoming and organised and helped the day run really smoothly. The children had a great time and learnt lots.

April 2020 - Primary School
Very welcoming and pitched at the perfect level. Staff planned learning and activities with teachers throughout.

February 2020 - Primary School

July 2019 - Primary School
Excellent staff knowledge and age appropriate activities.

July 2019 - Secondary School
A good trip, well organised by Rushall Form. Students took away alot from their visit there.

June 2019 - Primary School

March 2019 - Primary School

March 2019 - Primary School
Curriculum aims met, staff friendly on day, facilities were good. Timings went a bit askew - only 1 tractor used on day meant group late back to school and coach company very unhappy as their schedule for school pick ups was upset.

July 2018 - Secondary School

June 2018 - Secondary School
The facilities were not suitable for the amount of people on site and how much we paid.

June 2018 - Secondary School
Communication with the farm before the visit was excellent; they answered my questions promptly and kindly shared a detailed risk assessment. My request for 5 groups was met - for which I was most grateful. On the day the farm tutors were all knowledgeable. The students had a most productive, enjoyable day.

March 2018 - Secondary School

March 2018 - Primary School
very knowledgeable staff who are very good at catering for the groups individual needs. information at appropriate level for group.

February 2018
Very informative and helpful staff. The children learnt a lot and thoroughly enjoyed the day.