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East Lothian Council Outdoor Learning


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The following reviews have been added by visit leaders using the EVOLVE system.
27 reviews


Very Good




(September 2024 - Primary School)

A super trip! (October 2023 - Primary School)

The AweSome Week programme is a great experience for all children. It allows all children to experience adventurous activities in their local environment and the activities are very inclusive of all children. The one night camp allows all children to take part especially those who have never stayed away from home an being in the locality allows for children to go home if required. (September 2023 - Primary School)

(June 2023 - Primary School)

(May 2023 - Primary School)

(May 2023 - Primary School)

We were using our own school playground (April 2023 - Primary School)

(April 2023 - Primary School)

(June 2022 - Primary School)

An excellent trip which encouraged the children to be active and confident. (May 2022 - Primary School)

Fantastic experience with highly professional, knowledgeable and engaging staff who put the pupils at ease immediately and encouraged them to challenge themselves. Great links to the STEM curriculum and pupils could see their learning in real life contexts. The staff supported and encouraged the development of interpersonal skills brilliantly and the links with Health and Wellbeing outcomes were evident throughout. My only wish would be that ALL pupils are offered these opportunities on a more regular basis so it is not seen as a one off novelty, but an integrated and valuable way to deliver the curriculum and see the 4 capacities in action. If all pupils had these experiences on a regular basis, this would allow for depth and progression of the skills learnt. (February 2022 - Primary School)

(November 2019 - Secondary School)

(October 2019 - Primary School)

Pupils had a fantastic experience - all were positive about the day. (September 2019 - Secondary School)

Fantastic morning - we all had a great time. (September 2019 - Primary School)

Everyone has been extremely helpful. The training & support for the group was excellent (June 2019 - Secondary School)

Very supportive and encouraged me to lead this group into an adventure I would not have anticipated without the guidance and support of staff from ELCOL (May 2019 - Primary School)

East Lothian Council Outdoor Learning have gone out of their way to support and to enable this residential to Dounans to take place. The group was made up of 14 aged 6 or 7 year old children, staying away from home for 2 nights. (May 2019 - Primary School)

Keith helped with organising specialised kit. (April 2019 - Primary School)

(March 2019 - Primary School)

Always encourage participation. (March 2019 - Primary School)

Always very helpful, supportive and will offer suggestions to encourage staff to leads activities safely outside of the built up classroom (March 2019 - Primary School)

(December 2018 - Secondary School)

(November 2018 - Primary School)

We are so grateful to Ed for going back and finding the missing phone when he could of just gone home. (October 2018 - Secondary School)

(August 2018 - Primary School)

(June 2018 - Primary School)


The following reviews have been added by visit leaders using the EVOLVE system.
27 reviews


Very Good




September 2024 - Primary School

October 2023 - Primary School
A super trip!

September 2023 - Primary School
The AweSome Week programme is a great experience for all children. It allows all children to experience adventurous activities in their local environment and the activities are very inclusive of all children. The one night camp allows all children to take part especially those who have never stayed away from home an being in the locality allows for children to go home if required.

June 2023 - Primary School

May 2023 - Primary School

May 2023 - Primary School

April 2023 - Primary School
We were using our own school playground

April 2023 - Primary School

June 2022 - Primary School

May 2022 - Primary School
An excellent trip which encouraged the children to be active and confident.

February 2022 - Primary School
Fantastic experience with highly professional, knowledgeable and engaging staff who put the pupils at ease immediately and encouraged them to challenge themselves. Great links to the STEM curriculum and pupils could see their learning in real life contexts. The staff supported and encouraged the development of interpersonal skills brilliantly and the links with Health and Wellbeing outcomes were evident throughout. My only wish would be that ALL pupils are offered these opportunities on a more regular basis so it is not seen as a one off novelty, but an integrated and valuable way to deliver the curriculum and see the 4 capacities in action. If all pupils had these experiences on a regular basis, this would allow for depth and progression of the skills learnt.

November 2019 - Secondary School

October 2019 - Primary School

September 2019 - Secondary School
Pupils had a fantastic experience - all were positive about the day.

September 2019 - Primary School
Fantastic morning - we all had a great time.

June 2019 - Secondary School
Everyone has been extremely helpful. The training & support for the group was excellent

May 2019 - Primary School
Very supportive and encouraged me to lead this group into an adventure I would not have anticipated without the guidance and support of staff from ELCOL

May 2019 - Primary School
East Lothian Council Outdoor Learning have gone out of their way to support and to enable this residential to Dounans to take place. The group was made up of 14 aged 6 or 7 year old children, staying away from home for 2 nights.

April 2019 - Primary School
Keith helped with organising specialised kit.

March 2019 - Primary School

March 2019 - Primary School
Always encourage participation.

March 2019 - Primary School
Always very helpful, supportive and will offer suggestions to encourage staff to leads activities safely outside of the built up classroom

December 2018 - Secondary School

November 2018 - Primary School

October 2018 - Secondary School
We are so grateful to Ed for going back and finding the missing phone when he could of just gone home.

August 2018 - Primary School

June 2018 - Primary School