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RCT Windsor Castle


No further information has been added by this provider yet.


The following reviews have been added by visit leaders using the EVOLVE system.
65 reviews


Very Good




(July 2024)

Excellent trip overall. Highlight of trip was being approached by a Military Knight and being allowed to watch the changing of the guard from a part of the castle which is usually shut off to the general public. Workshop was very enjoyable and gave children good knowledge of reasons for why Windsor is built where it is. Unfortunately, the queues were so large that we were not able to see as much of the State apartments as we would have liked. (June 2024 - Primary School)

(June 2024 - Primary School)

(May 2024 - Primary School)

(May 2024 - Primary School)

(May 2024 - Primary School)

(April 2024 - Primary School)

Amazing trip- great workshop and very interesting and engaging. (April 2024 - Primary School)

(March 2024 - Secondary School)

The staff were welcoming and did a good job of explaining the procedures and expectations of the day. The space was suitable for students and the talk we attended was informative. However, there were not enough chairs for all students to sit in on the workshop day. I also noticed that we were not given sufficient seating in the lunch room, due to there being a lot of other schools present. The other schools also meant that the transition from the workshop to lunch was impacted, as we could not all fit in the corridor. Perhaps giving space on either side of the school sessions for transitions would improve that experience. (March 2024 - Secondary School)

(February 2024 - Primary School)

(February 2024 - Primary School)

(January 2024 - Secondary School)

(January 2024 - Secondary School)

(November 2023 - Primary School)

(November 2023 - Primary School)

(November 2023 - Primary School)

(October 2023 - Primary School)

(October 2023 - Primary School)

(June 2023 - Secondary School)

Fantastic workshop sessions. Wide variety available. Excellent facilities. Children were filled with awe and wonder as we walked around the different areas of the castle. (June 2023 - Primary School)

(June 2023 - Primary School)

Wonderful experience, lots to see, great session with resources for children to observe and use - altogether well hosted by RCT team. (June 2023 - Primary School)

(June 2023 - Primary School)

(May 2023 - Primary School)

(May 2023 - Primary School)

(April 2023 - Primary School)

(April 2023 - Secondary School)

(March 2023 - Secondary School)

(March 2023 - Primary School)

(March 2023 - Secondary School)

(March 2023)

(February 2023 - Primary School)

(January 2023 - Primary School & Secondary School)

(November 2022 - Primary School)

(November 2022 - Primary School)

(October 2022 - Secondary School)

(October 2022 - Primary School)

(October 2022)

(October 2022 - Primary School)

(September 2022)

(July 2022 - Primary School & Secondary School)

(July 2022 - Primary School)

(June 2022 - Primary School)

(June 2022 - Primary School)

Historical element and the impact with the Jubilee was great. (June 2022)

(June 2022 - Primary School)

(June 2022 - Primary School)

The Learning Centre was well run and had all the facilities in place. The learning centre was clean and well maintained. The staff were knowledgeable and helpful throughout the castle (June 2022 - Primary School)

(June 2022 - Primary School)

(June 2022 - Primary School)

We went in conjunction with our History topic about QEII (May 2022 - Primary School)

(May 2022)

Great workshop Once upon a castle (May 2022)

(May 2022 - Primary School)

(April 2022 - Primary School)

We were not allowed into the castle. We were a school group of 8 students and 4 staff. Six of the 8 students had Advantage cards and all four staff had them. So we only expected to pay for two students. However, at the entrance we were told school groups are not allowed to enter the castle using Advantage cards. This was particularly annoying because I had visited the castle on my own on Monday 13 Dec and explained how we were coming and had only one and a half hours for the visit before stopping for lunch before the pantomime. I asked for advice as to which areas of the castle to visit. The staff I spoke to were excellent and advised how to get the best out of a trip (with an emphasis on Henry VIII). One guide in particular threw herself into helping me compile a few questions for the students to answer about details in each of the rooms we intended to visit. Yet no one mentioned Advantage cards were not allowed. However, fortunately, I had a plan B ready with me, and the weather was dry, and copies of a multiple choice questionnaire, so each student was able to complete one, and learn about some of the sights of Windsor - statues, Guild Hall, Bachelors Acre, Queen Victoria statue etc. We were also still able to watch the soldiers leave the barracks and march off to the castle for the changing of the Guard. Then the pantomime, fortunately, exceeded all expectations. We had front row seats in the stalls and the production was as clever as it was comical with the result that it eclipsed any disappointment about not getting into the castle. (January 2022 - Secondary School)

(January 2022 - Primary School)

This was a really successful day and very worthwhile. Just ensure we plan for the journey time being 1.5hours in case of traffic (January 2022 - Primary School)

(January 2022)

As the Castle was closed we were unable to enter so I am unable to rate the facility (November 2021 - Secondary School)

Absolutely fabulous (November 2021 - Primary School)

We were met at the entrance. All Covid arrangements were in place with sanitation in every area of the castle and grounds. Standards were high for cleanliness and good direction. Pupils were stunned the the views and the splendor and opulence of the castle. It gave a wonderful introduction to our history and our art. This is definitely on our list of places to visit with pupils. A bonus in these difficult times was that there were only a few other visitors so we had the place largely to ourselves. The staff at the castle could not have been more helpful. Weather and time curtailed our planned full tour of the town but we wre able to have lunch in one of the very few open restaurants. (December 2020 - Secondary School)

Great, informative workshop that fit in well with the KS3 curriculum. Students enjoyed it and were engaged throughout. (March 2020 - Secondary School)

(December 2019 - Primary School)


No further information has been added by this provider.


RCT Windsor Castle
Windsor Castle


The following reviews have been added by visit leaders using the EVOLVE system.
65 reviews


Very Good




July 2024

June 2024 - Primary School
Excellent trip overall. Highlight of trip was being approached by a Military Knight and being allowed to watch the changing of the guard from a part of the castle which is usually shut off to the general public. Workshop was very enjoyable and gave children good knowledge of reasons for why Windsor is built where it is. Unfortunately, the queues were so large that we were not able to see as much of the State apartments as we would have liked.

June 2024 - Primary School

May 2024 - Primary School

May 2024 - Primary School

May 2024 - Primary School

April 2024 - Primary School

April 2024 - Primary School
Amazing trip- great workshop and very interesting and engaging.

March 2024 - Secondary School

March 2024 - Secondary School
The staff were welcoming and did a good job of explaining the procedures and expectations of the day. The space was suitable for students and the talk we attended was informative. However, there were not enough chairs for all students to sit in on the workshop day. I also noticed that we were not given sufficient seating in the lunch room, due to there being a lot of other schools present. The other schools also meant that the transition from the workshop to lunch was impacted, as we could not all fit in the corridor. Perhaps giving space on either side of the school sessions for transitions would improve that experience.

February 2024 - Primary School

February 2024 - Primary School

January 2024 - Secondary School

January 2024 - Secondary School

November 2023 - Primary School

November 2023 - Primary School

November 2023 - Primary School

October 2023 - Primary School

October 2023 - Primary School

June 2023 - Secondary School

June 2023 - Primary School
Fantastic workshop sessions. Wide variety available. Excellent facilities. Children were filled with awe and wonder as we walked around the different areas of the castle.

June 2023 - Primary School

June 2023 - Primary School
Wonderful experience, lots to see, great session with resources for children to observe and use - altogether well hosted by RCT team.

June 2023 - Primary School

May 2023 - Primary School

May 2023 - Primary School

April 2023 - Primary School

April 2023 - Secondary School

March 2023 - Secondary School

March 2023 - Primary School

March 2023 - Secondary School

March 2023

February 2023 - Primary School

January 2023 - Primary School & Secondary School

November 2022 - Primary School

November 2022 - Primary School

October 2022 - Secondary School

October 2022 - Primary School

October 2022

October 2022 - Primary School

September 2022

July 2022 - Primary School & Secondary School

July 2022 - Primary School

June 2022 - Primary School

June 2022 - Primary School

June 2022
Historical element and the impact with the Jubilee was great.

June 2022 - Primary School

June 2022 - Primary School

June 2022 - Primary School
The Learning Centre was well run and had all the facilities in place. The learning centre was clean and well maintained. The staff were knowledgeable and helpful throughout the castle

June 2022 - Primary School

June 2022 - Primary School

May 2022 - Primary School
We went in conjunction with our History topic about QEII

May 2022

May 2022
Great workshop Once upon a castle

May 2022 - Primary School

April 2022 - Primary School

January 2022 - Secondary School
We were not allowed into the castle. We were a school group of 8 students and 4 staff. Six of the 8 students had Advantage cards and all four staff had them. So we only expected to pay for two students. However, at the entrance we were told school groups are not allowed to enter the castle using Advantage cards. This was particularly annoying because I had visited the castle on my own on Monday 13 Dec and explained how we were coming and had only one and a half hours for the visit before stopping for lunch before the pantomime. I asked for advice as to which areas of the castle to visit. The staff I spoke to were excellent and advised how to get the best out of a trip (with an emphasis on Henry VIII). One guide in particular threw herself into helping me compile a few questions for the students to answer about details in each of the rooms we intended to visit. Yet no one mentioned Advantage cards were not allowed. However, fortunately, I had a plan B ready with me, and the weather was dry, and copies of a multiple choice questionnaire, so each student was able to complete one, and learn about some of the sights of Windsor - statues, Guild Hall, Bachelors Acre, Queen Victoria statue etc. We were also still able to watch the soldiers leave the barracks and march off to the castle for the changing of the Guard. Then the pantomime, fortunately, exceeded all expectations. We had front row seats in the stalls and the production was as clever as it was comical with the result that it eclipsed any disappointment about not getting into the castle.

January 2022 - Primary School

January 2022 - Primary School
This was a really successful day and very worthwhile. Just ensure we plan for the journey time being 1.5hours in case of traffic

January 2022

November 2021 - Secondary School
As the Castle was closed we were unable to enter so I am unable to rate the facility

November 2021 - Primary School
Absolutely fabulous

December 2020 - Secondary School
We were met at the entrance. All Covid arrangements were in place with sanitation in every area of the castle and grounds. Standards were high for cleanliness and good direction. Pupils were stunned the the views and the splendor and opulence of the castle. It gave a wonderful introduction to our history and our art. This is definitely on our list of places to visit with pupils. A bonus in these difficult times was that there were only a few other visitors so we had the place largely to ourselves. The staff at the castle could not have been more helpful. Weather and time curtailed our planned full tour of the town but we wre able to have lunch in one of the very few open restaurants.

March 2020 - Secondary School
Great, informative workshop that fit in well with the KS3 curriculum. Students enjoyed it and were engaged throughout.

December 2019 - Primary School