Saving Norfolk's Wildlife for the Future
Explore NWT Holme Dunes (5 miles from Hunstanton) with your group. There are a range of coastal habitats including sand dunes, freshwater pools, grazing marsh and saltmarsh and much of the site consists of natural habitats maintained largely by coastal processes.
Many of the children visiting have never seen such an expansive, breath-taking sandy beach and beach scavenger hunts and sand sculpture are often a must. Wildlife is abundant with evidence of a wide variety of sea-life on the beach, birds to be seen from the bird hide and the dunes and insects to be found everywhere.
Your day here will reflect the landscape, habitats and history of Holme Dunes, whilst complimenting your school-based learning, as we tailor-make a timetable that suits your group’s requirements.
Favourite sessions include Brilliant Birds, habitat trails and Strandline Scavenge but there is a wide selection of interactive, hands-on activities that appeal to all ages and learning styles.
Sessions available at NWT Holme Dunes
•Habitat Trail
•Wild Art
•Environmental Games
•Changing Coastline
•Brilliant Birds
•Sea Dipping
Secondary and higher
•Conservation Management
•Surveying/Data Collection
•Marine Ecosystem
•Coastal Management