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Select School Travel


No further information has been added by this provider yet.


The following reviews have been added by visit leaders using the EVOLVE system.
139 reviews


Very Good




(July 2024 - Secondary School)

(July 2024 - Secondary School)

(July 2024 - Secondary School)

(July 2024)

(July 2024 - Primary School & Secondary School)

(July 2024 - Secondary School)

Lleoliad cyfleus i sgio gyda'r ysgol sgio yn agos iawn i'r gwesty. Roedd y ski fit a man cadw'r offer i gyd o fewn y gwesty - eto yn hwyluso'r broses ar gychwyn y cwrs sgio ac yna'n ddyddiol wrth gasglu a chadw offer. (June 2024 - Secondary School)

(June 2024 - Secondary School)

The resort itself was suitable for the itinerary for the ski trip, however the standard of health and hygiene of the hotel was not acceptable. (June 2024 - Secondary School)

(May 2024)

(May 2024 - Secondary School)

(April 2024 - Secondary School)

(April 2024 - Secondary School)

(April 2024 - Secondary School)

Sport (April 2024 - Secondary School)

Enrichment of all students (April 2024 - Secondary School)

(April 2024 - Secondary School)

(April 2024 - Secondary School)

(April 2024 - Secondary School)

Used this company for many years and am always happy with the service they provide. (April 2024 - Secondary School)

(March 2024 - Secondary School)

(March 2024 - Secondary School)

a typical ski resort (March 2024 - Secondary School)

(March 2024 - Primary School & Secondary School)

(March 2024 - Secondary School)

(March 2024 - Secondary School)

Also personal, social and emotional development (March 2024 - Secondary School)

issues with poor food. I have also been moved from my booked resort for the last 3 years. Considering using a new trip provider (February 2024 - Secondary School)

(February 2024 - Primary School)

(February 2024 - Secondary School)

(February 2024)

(February 2024 - Secondary School)

(February 2024 - Secondary School)

(February 2024 - Secondary School)

Any department (February 2024 - Secondary School)

This was a ski trip for a mixed range of children and abilities (February 2024 - Secondary School)

This trip is more of a cultural trip, one in which students horizons can be broadened their cultural experiences can be enriched. (February 2024 - Secondary School)

(February 2024 - Secondary School)

And Religious Education/Studies (February 2024 - Secondary School)

(February 2024)

(January 2024 - Secondary School)

(January 2024 - Secondary School)

(December 2023 - Secondary School)

I would not use Select group travel again. too many mistakes, too difficult to coordinate. (November 2023 - Secondary School)

Throughout we found Select School travel to be very supportive and communicative in all stages of our trip. All our visits, buses, guides etc were on time and delivered what we expected. I am sure Select would be good in organising trips for other subjects, but as yet I have not experience in travelling regarding other topics. (November 2023 - Secondary School)

(November 2023 - Secondary School)

...and Politics (October 2023 - Secondary School)

(October 2023 - Secondary School)

(July 2023 - Secondary School)

(July 2023)

Lovely, secure accommodation with great food and attentive staff. Elements need upgrading in the bathrooms particularly. (July 2023 - Secondary School)

(July 2023 - Secondary School)

(June 2023 - Secondary School)

(June 2023 - Secondary School)

(June 2023 - Secondary School)

(June 2023 - Secondary School)

(May 2023 - Secondary School)

(May 2023 - Secondary School)

(May 2023 - Secondary School)

(May 2023 - Secondary School)

Location good for intermediate/good beginners, limited slopes for absolute starters, spent a long time on two slopes before being able to progress. Only one black run in use due to limited snow/time of year but intermediate group was pushed. This group received little coaching, beginner groups received a little more, initial progress was slow until students taken further up the mountain. (April 2023 - Secondary School)

This was an excellent trip to the States which allowed the group to achieve their objectives of enhancing their understanding of the civil rights curriculum. Select planned a wonderful itinerary and we were able to follow everything according to plan. (April 2023 - Secondary School)

(April 2023 - Secondary School)

Ski trip (April 2023 - Secondary School)

(April 2023 - Secondary School)

(April 2023 - Secondary School)

(April 2023 - Secondary School)

Minimal snow as late in the year, but nice resort. (April 2023 - Secondary School)

N/A (April 2023 - Secondary School)

(March 2023 - Secondary School)

Only issue encountered was with Ski School upon arrival - However it was dealt with swiftly and efficiently (March 2023 - Secondary School)

(March 2023 - Secondary School)

(February 2023)

(February 2023 - Secondary School)

(February 2023)

Location was excellent for a group of beginner skiers. Company support was good through rep. Hotel was suitable and food largely good for the group. Ryanair were poor and awkward. Coach companies were good (January 2023 - Secondary School)

Prep & Planning: In hindsight are there any aspects of this you would do differently? Tour company was helpful in general but sometimes slow to reply to emails. Would consider using again but also get quotes from alternative providers. Use of Microsoft Form for collecting pupil info was helpful. Need to ensure method of rating children is consistent with that used by the ski school. Only put QR code up on screen at the end of the pre-trip meeting. Get someone to dress up in ski clothes to demonstrate the layers needed. Get kit list out to pupils earlier. Interski rental organised earlier so that clothing is ready for SnowDome trip. Ask for money from Accounts at least three weeks prior to departure. Need to ensure that on arrival, children are promptly give a fire assembly point talk, as well as a talkon rules and expectations, inc: - Balconies and windows - Not being in each other’s rooms - Rubbish - Noise levels - Drinking sufficient water (pupils did not take rucksacs with them so they needed to be encoraged to drink more at meal times) - Having a shower/personal hygiene Not all of the evening activities advertised were actually available when we arrived in resort. E.g. ice skating, crepes/ice cream. Did manage to arrange alternatives (disco, movie night and hot chocolates) which worked well but would consider alternative resort/going at different time of year. Swimming – pool too small with others in there. Only had two lanes to start with. Swimming caps definitely needed. Bowling would have been a really good option if it was option. Pizza night worked well in principal but the staff clearly did not want us there. Would choose another restaurant. Movie night worked well but would have been better to take our own device with films on it, as well as a projector. VGA cables/HDMI cables to link up with a TV. Fill in suitcase labels prior to departure. Ski labels with names on it were really useful. Consider buying straps to hold skis together to make carrying them each day easier. Fluorescent helmet covers? Staffing: Any comments about staff ratios and levels of competence required Needed 6 staff – always one more than the number of ski school groups. Need staff with experience of leading trips as well as dealing with children who are not eating etc. Travel/Transport: Suitability of arrangements, problems encountered. Please rate any commercial provider Minor issues with luggage capacity on coach in Italy (from airport to hotel). Venue: Suitability / appropriateness. Issues encountered or things you might change next Hotel perfect in terms of location and size. Plenty of space for socializing – lounge was essentially ours for the duration of the trip. Food good and plentiful, though a little repetitive. Would definitely return. Supervision: Any thoughts on the way supervision was provided – anything you may do differently Ratio of children to ski instructors was correct, needed a member of LGS staff with each group, at least for the first 3 days. Would insist on splitting groups earlier, especially the bottom groups. Ski instructors did change during the week, which was not ideal. Need to get the phone numbers of the ski instructors in case groups were divided. Used WhatsApp group to enable teachers to communicate but radios may have been a better option. Consider taking DofE radios next time. First Aid: Suitability of arrangements, first aid administered. Don’t put in suitcase in case it gets lost! Some parents still gave children medicines e.g. paracetamol, anti-histamines, travel sickness meds etc. despite clear instructions prior to trip. Had to be confiscated on day three after it became apparent that pupils had been self-medicating and sharing with each other without informing staff. Incidents or near accidents: Record here anything you feel was a problem or potential problem. NG hurt back on first day and had to take Diclofenac for remainder of trip (no prescription reqd in Italy). NG also lost filling and had to use denture cream to fill gap until return. Riya Thakrar was taken from the slope by skidoo on final afternoon of skiing due to ‘extreme’ fatigue. The ski instructor decided this was the appropriate action and called the police to collect her and take her back to the hotel. Skidoo only had one seat which meant she was unaccompanied but no other option available and it was the police force that collected her. PJC very clearly explained to RT that she must wait where she was dropped until he could return. PJC had to show driving licence as form of ID for the police officer at the time and was collected by the same officer after Riya was taken down. Joel Peckett suffered a migraine on day 3 approx. midnight. He knocked on KLF’s door and explained that he had a headache – very distressed and complaining of feeling really hot with poor breathing patterns. KLF reassured and sat JP by a window to get some fresh air, but he then complained of feeling really cold so sent him back into bed. KLF tried to give paracetamol which he then vomited. KLF woke NG to check on JP as concerned about worsening symptoms. After discussion with JP, NG suspected migraine due to suffering from them too. There was no record of migraines on medical form, but JP did state that he suffers from them occasionally at home. NG & KLF sat with JP for approx. 2 hours to reassure him and ensure that he was settled and properly asleep. In the morning JP said that he was tired but feeling much better. On return to school, we explained what had happened to Mother who did admit that he had some history of this. KAC’s luggage was lost by Easyjet on the outbound journey. She logged it as missing whilst at Milan airport. As it had not turned up by the second day, we contacted SRJ to ask how to proceed. School insurance apparently covers up to £750 for lost luggage so KAC bought the items she most needed to be able to proceed with the trip. Receipts were retained. The suitcase was returned on the 4th day. Incidents involving pupil behaviour: Please refer specific incidents of note to JWR / CR None. Some fussy eaters. Will left his EpiPen in the airport on two occasions. (January 2023 - Secondary School)

Ski trip (January 2023 - Secondary School)

(October 2022 - Secondary School)

(June 2022 - Secondary School)

(April 2022 - Secondary School)

Excellent provision, customer services and support (February 2022 - Secondary School)

(November 2021 - Secondary School)

(March 2020 - Secondary School)

Excellent. Clear preferential treatment pre/during/post trip. Highly recommend. Links through the staff helped SIGNIFICANTLY. (March 2020 - Secondary School)

(March 2020 - Secondary School)

(February 2020 - Secondary School)

Really prompt and helpful with enquiries. When Louvre closed unexpectedly on the first day of the trip, our Select rep sorted it out really quickly and got everything moved round. The out of hours contact was also really helpful when we couldn't get into the accommodation. (January 2020 - Secondary School)

(November 2019 - Secondary School)

(November 2019 - Primary School)

(November 2019 - Secondary School)

(November 2019)

Excellent. Highly recommended for all visits. (October 2019 - Secondary School)

Good generally although liaison with accommodation was poor (September 2019 - Secondary School)

(September 2019 - Secondary School)

Staff were very helpful from the start of the process. They were always very quick to reply to emails and messages with queries and supplied a lot of information and guidance. The trip as a whole was fantastic-the best school trip we have ever been on. (September 2019 - Primary School)

(September 2019 - Secondary School)

Have used Select for a few years on various trips and am happy with them. The only major issue I had this year was the coach was 2.5 hours late to pick us up which was totally unacceptable and as yet I haven't had any information regarding why this was. (July 2019 - Secondary School)

Very good (July 2019 - Secondary School)

Very helpful and well organised (June 2019 - Primary School)

Excellent support from beginning to end and did everything they could to accommodate our needs. Would highly reccomned them. (June 2019 - Secondary School)

(June 2019 - Secondary School)

(June 2019 - Secondary School)

The trip went without any issues. The service and support from the reps and hotel staff was fantastic throughout the trip. This is the second time we have used them and there will definitely be a third. (May 2019 - Secondary School)

(May 2019 - Secondary School)

Excellent organisation (May 2019 - Primary School)

Drivers were excellent. Hotel food was not! (April 2019 - Secondary School)

(March 2019 - Secondary School)

Fantastic pre trip communication and support - excellent rep (February 2019 - Secondary School)

A well organised trip (February 2019 - Secondary School)

(February 2019 - Secondary School)

(January 2019 - Secondary School)

This was an inspection visit without students or direct contact with Select, although they had made all arrangements and this was well organised. (January 2019)

(January 2019 - Secondary School)

(January 2019 - Secondary School)

(December 2018 - Secondary School)

Really helpful driver, good facilities (December 2018 - Secondary School)

Some issues with logistics but took a lot of pressure of organising the trip. (November 2018 - Secondary School)

(October 2018 - Secondary School)

(July 2018 - Secondary School)

Overall travel company was ok. there were a few issues with our booking with Disney, but this was mainly due to Kyriad not passing information on to tour operator when requested. Also coach company provided by Select was very poor. (July 2018 - Secondary School)

Noe very good with following up issues with the hotel. I would not book them again. (June 2018 - Secondary School)

I had to do a lot of organising beforehand as the itinerary was not well spaced throughout the week so I had to keep rearrange and go back to the company. As a result we didn't get the best timed bookings because they had to change late in the day. Also, last minute, I had to clarify that we were getting 2 coach drivers as they only allocated 1 - eventually I got 2; we were quoted from the beginning to have 2 drivers. (June 2018 - Secondary School)

(June 2018 - Primary School)

Coach company 24 hour office telephone was not forwarded to a member of staff when needing to speak to someone. Times for activity starts and offsite duration were poor relying on us to amend every day and trying to contact local drivers who left their coaches and were un-contactable. When speaking to Francessco the boss who spoke good English when it came to going the extra mile his English then became poor! (May 2018 - Secondary School)

An excellent trip (May 2018 - Secondary School)

(April 2018 - Secondary School)

Very good. Caring. (April 2018 - Secondary School)

(March 2018)

(March 2018 - Secondary School)

(March 2018 - Secondary School)

Outstanding company. Professional and detailed service from start to finish. All employees from the Sales Rep to the ski rep were excellent to work with. (March 2018 - Secondary School)

Excellent personalised service. Travel co-ordinator amazing in the build up to the trip. Actual trip went very well and was provided with an outstanding rep throughout. (March 2018 - Secondary School)

EXCELLENT pre/during/post. (February 2018 - Secondary School)

Great resort - excellent rep (February 2018 - Secondary School)

(February 2018 - Secondary School)

Excellent Organisation. (January 2018)

(December 2017 - Secondary School)

Made mistakes and struggled to take responsibility for them. (December 2017 - Secondary School)


No further information has been added by this provider.


Select School Travel
30 Church Road
Burgess Hill
West Sussex
RH15 9AE


The following reviews have been added by visit leaders using the EVOLVE system.
139 reviews


Very Good




July 2024 - Secondary School

July 2024 - Secondary School

July 2024 - Secondary School

July 2024

July 2024 - Primary School & Secondary School

July 2024 - Secondary School

June 2024 - Secondary School
Lleoliad cyfleus i sgio gyda'r ysgol sgio yn agos iawn i'r gwesty. Roedd y ski fit a man cadw'r offer i gyd o fewn y gwesty - eto yn hwyluso'r broses ar gychwyn y cwrs sgio ac yna'n ddyddiol wrth gasglu a chadw offer.

June 2024 - Secondary School

June 2024 - Secondary School
The resort itself was suitable for the itinerary for the ski trip, however the standard of health and hygiene of the hotel was not acceptable.

May 2024

May 2024 - Secondary School

April 2024 - Secondary School

April 2024 - Secondary School

April 2024 - Secondary School

April 2024 - Secondary School

April 2024 - Secondary School
Enrichment of all students

April 2024 - Secondary School

April 2024 - Secondary School

April 2024 - Secondary School

April 2024 - Secondary School
Used this company for many years and am always happy with the service they provide.

March 2024 - Secondary School

March 2024 - Secondary School

March 2024 - Secondary School
a typical ski resort

March 2024 - Primary School & Secondary School

March 2024 - Secondary School

March 2024 - Secondary School

March 2024 - Secondary School
Also personal, social and emotional development

February 2024 - Secondary School
issues with poor food. I have also been moved from my booked resort for the last 3 years. Considering using a new trip provider

February 2024 - Primary School

February 2024 - Secondary School

February 2024

February 2024 - Secondary School

February 2024 - Secondary School

February 2024 - Secondary School

February 2024 - Secondary School
Any department

February 2024 - Secondary School
This was a ski trip for a mixed range of children and abilities

February 2024 - Secondary School
This trip is more of a cultural trip, one in which students horizons can be broadened their cultural experiences can be enriched.

February 2024 - Secondary School

February 2024 - Secondary School
And Religious Education/Studies

February 2024

January 2024 - Secondary School

January 2024 - Secondary School

December 2023 - Secondary School

November 2023 - Secondary School
I would not use Select group travel again. too many mistakes, too difficult to coordinate.

November 2023 - Secondary School
Throughout we found Select School travel to be very supportive and communicative in all stages of our trip. All our visits, buses, guides etc were on time and delivered what we expected. I am sure Select would be good in organising trips for other subjects, but as yet I have not experience in travelling regarding other topics.

November 2023 - Secondary School

October 2023 - Secondary School
...and Politics

October 2023 - Secondary School

July 2023 - Secondary School

July 2023

July 2023 - Secondary School
Lovely, secure accommodation with great food and attentive staff. Elements need upgrading in the bathrooms particularly.

July 2023 - Secondary School

June 2023 - Secondary School

June 2023 - Secondary School

June 2023 - Secondary School

June 2023 - Secondary School

May 2023 - Secondary School

May 2023 - Secondary School

May 2023 - Secondary School

May 2023 - Secondary School

April 2023 - Secondary School
Location good for intermediate/good beginners, limited slopes for absolute starters, spent a long time on two slopes before being able to progress. Only one black run in use due to limited snow/time of year but intermediate group was pushed. This group received little coaching, beginner groups received a little more, initial progress was slow until students taken further up the mountain.

April 2023 - Secondary School
This was an excellent trip to the States which allowed the group to achieve their objectives of enhancing their understanding of the civil rights curriculum. Select planned a wonderful itinerary and we were able to follow everything according to plan.

April 2023 - Secondary School

April 2023 - Secondary School
Ski trip

April 2023 - Secondary School

April 2023 - Secondary School

April 2023 - Secondary School

April 2023 - Secondary School
Minimal snow as late in the year, but nice resort.

April 2023 - Secondary School

March 2023 - Secondary School

March 2023 - Secondary School
Only issue encountered was with Ski School upon arrival - However it was dealt with swiftly and efficiently

March 2023 - Secondary School

February 2023

February 2023 - Secondary School

February 2023

January 2023 - Secondary School
Location was excellent for a group of beginner skiers. Company support was good through rep. Hotel was suitable and food largely good for the group. Ryanair were poor and awkward. Coach companies were good

January 2023 - Secondary School
Prep & Planning: In hindsight are there any aspects of this you would do differently? Tour company was helpful in general but sometimes slow to reply to emails. Would consider using again but also get quotes from alternative providers. Use of Microsoft Form for collecting pupil info was helpful. Need to ensure method of rating children is consistent with that used by the ski school. Only put QR code up on screen at the end of the pre-trip meeting. Get someone to dress up in ski clothes to demonstrate the layers needed. Get kit list out to pupils earlier. Interski rental organised earlier so that clothing is ready for SnowDome trip. Ask for money from Accounts at least three weeks prior to departure. Need to ensure that on arrival, children are promptly give a fire assembly point talk, as well as a talkon rules and expectations, inc: - Balconies and windows - Not being in each other’s rooms - Rubbish - Noise levels - Drinking sufficient water (pupils did not take rucksacs with them so they needed to be encoraged to drink more at meal times) - Having a shower/personal hygiene Not all of the evening activities advertised were actually available when we arrived in resort. E.g. ice skating, crepes/ice cream. Did manage to arrange alternatives (disco, movie night and hot chocolates) which worked well but would consider alternative resort/going at different time of year. Swimming – pool too small with others in there. Only had two lanes to start with. Swimming caps definitely needed. Bowling would have been a really good option if it was option. Pizza night worked well in principal but the staff clearly did not want us there. Would choose another restaurant. Movie night worked well but would have been better to take our own device with films on it, as well as a projector. VGA cables/HDMI cables to link up with a TV. Fill in suitcase labels prior to departure. Ski labels with names on it were really useful. Consider buying straps to hold skis together to make carrying them each day easier. Fluorescent helmet covers? Staffing: Any comments about staff ratios and levels of competence required Needed 6 staff – always one more than the number of ski school groups. Need staff with experience of leading trips as well as dealing with children who are not eating etc. Travel/Transport: Suitability of arrangements, problems encountered. Please rate any commercial provider Minor issues with luggage capacity on coach in Italy (from airport to hotel). Venue: Suitability / appropriateness. Issues encountered or things you might change next Hotel perfect in terms of location and size. Plenty of space for socializing – lounge was essentially ours for the duration of the trip. Food good and plentiful, though a little repetitive. Would definitely return. Supervision: Any thoughts on the way supervision was provided – anything you may do differently Ratio of children to ski instructors was correct, needed a member of LGS staff with each group, at least for the first 3 days. Would insist on splitting groups earlier, especially the bottom groups. Ski instructors did change during the week, which was not ideal. Need to get the phone numbers of the ski instructors in case groups were divided. Used WhatsApp group to enable teachers to communicate but radios may have been a better option. Consider taking DofE radios next time. First Aid: Suitability of arrangements, first aid administered. Don’t put in suitcase in case it gets lost! Some parents still gave children medicines e.g. paracetamol, anti-histamines, travel sickness meds etc. despite clear instructions prior to trip. Had to be confiscated on day three after it became apparent that pupils had been self-medicating and sharing with each other without informing staff. Incidents or near accidents: Record here anything you feel was a problem or potential problem. NG hurt back on first day and had to take Diclofenac for remainder of trip (no prescription reqd in Italy). NG also lost filling and had to use denture cream to fill gap until return. Riya Thakrar was taken from the slope by skidoo on final afternoon of skiing due to ‘extreme’ fatigue. The ski instructor decided this was the appropriate action and called the police to collect her and take her back to the hotel. Skidoo only had one seat which meant she was unaccompanied but no other option available and it was the police force that collected her. PJC very clearly explained to RT that she must wait where she was dropped until he could return. PJC had to show driving licence as form of ID for the police officer at the time and was collected by the same officer after Riya was taken down. Joel Peckett suffered a migraine on day 3 approx. midnight. He knocked on KLF’s door and explained that he had a headache – very distressed and complaining of feeling really hot with poor breathing patterns. KLF reassured and sat JP by a window to get some fresh air, but he then complained of feeling really cold so sent him back into bed. KLF tried to give paracetamol which he then vomited. KLF woke NG to check on JP as concerned about worsening symptoms. After discussion with JP, NG suspected migraine due to suffering from them too. There was no record of migraines on medical form, but JP did state that he suffers from them occasionally at home. NG & KLF sat with JP for approx. 2 hours to reassure him and ensure that he was settled and properly asleep. In the morning JP said that he was tired but feeling much better. On return to school, we explained what had happened to Mother who did admit that he had some history of this. KAC’s luggage was lost by Easyjet on the outbound journey. She logged it as missing whilst at Milan airport. As it had not turned up by the second day, we contacted SRJ to ask how to proceed. School insurance apparently covers up to £750 for lost luggage so KAC bought the items she most needed to be able to proceed with the trip. Receipts were retained. The suitcase was returned on the 4th day. Incidents involving pupil behaviour: Please refer specific incidents of note to JWR / CR None. Some fussy eaters. Will left his EpiPen in the airport on two occasions.

January 2023 - Secondary School
Ski trip

October 2022 - Secondary School

June 2022 - Secondary School

April 2022 - Secondary School

February 2022 - Secondary School
Excellent provision, customer services and support

November 2021 - Secondary School

March 2020 - Secondary School

March 2020 - Secondary School
Excellent. Clear preferential treatment pre/during/post trip. Highly recommend. Links through the staff helped SIGNIFICANTLY.

March 2020 - Secondary School

February 2020 - Secondary School

January 2020 - Secondary School
Really prompt and helpful with enquiries. When Louvre closed unexpectedly on the first day of the trip, our Select rep sorted it out really quickly and got everything moved round. The out of hours contact was also really helpful when we couldn't get into the accommodation.

November 2019 - Secondary School

November 2019 - Primary School

November 2019 - Secondary School

November 2019

October 2019 - Secondary School
Excellent. Highly recommended for all visits.

September 2019 - Secondary School
Good generally although liaison with accommodation was poor

September 2019 - Secondary School

September 2019 - Primary School
Staff were very helpful from the start of the process. They were always very quick to reply to emails and messages with queries and supplied a lot of information and guidance. The trip as a whole was fantastic-the best school trip we have ever been on.

September 2019 - Secondary School

July 2019 - Secondary School
Have used Select for a few years on various trips and am happy with them. The only major issue I had this year was the coach was 2.5 hours late to pick us up which was totally unacceptable and as yet I haven't had any information regarding why this was.

July 2019 - Secondary School
Very good

June 2019 - Primary School
Very helpful and well organised

June 2019 - Secondary School
Excellent support from beginning to end and did everything they could to accommodate our needs. Would highly reccomned them.

June 2019 - Secondary School

June 2019 - Secondary School

May 2019 - Secondary School
The trip went without any issues. The service and support from the reps and hotel staff was fantastic throughout the trip. This is the second time we have used them and there will definitely be a third.

May 2019 - Secondary School

May 2019 - Primary School
Excellent organisation

April 2019 - Secondary School
Drivers were excellent. Hotel food was not!

March 2019 - Secondary School

February 2019 - Secondary School
Fantastic pre trip communication and support - excellent rep

February 2019 - Secondary School
A well organised trip

February 2019 - Secondary School

January 2019 - Secondary School

January 2019
This was an inspection visit without students or direct contact with Select, although they had made all arrangements and this was well organised.

January 2019 - Secondary School

January 2019 - Secondary School

December 2018 - Secondary School

December 2018 - Secondary School
Really helpful driver, good facilities

November 2018 - Secondary School
Some issues with logistics but took a lot of pressure of organising the trip.

October 2018 - Secondary School

July 2018 - Secondary School

July 2018 - Secondary School
Overall travel company was ok. there were a few issues with our booking with Disney, but this was mainly due to Kyriad not passing information on to tour operator when requested. Also coach company provided by Select was very poor.

June 2018 - Secondary School
Noe very good with following up issues with the hotel. I would not book them again.

June 2018 - Secondary School
I had to do a lot of organising beforehand as the itinerary was not well spaced throughout the week so I had to keep rearrange and go back to the company. As a result we didn't get the best timed bookings because they had to change late in the day. Also, last minute, I had to clarify that we were getting 2 coach drivers as they only allocated 1 - eventually I got 2; we were quoted from the beginning to have 2 drivers.

June 2018 - Primary School

May 2018 - Secondary School
Coach company 24 hour office telephone was not forwarded to a member of staff when needing to speak to someone. Times for activity starts and offsite duration were poor relying on us to amend every day and trying to contact local drivers who left their coaches and were un-contactable. When speaking to Francessco the boss who spoke good English when it came to going the extra mile his English then became poor!

May 2018 - Secondary School
An excellent trip

April 2018 - Secondary School

April 2018 - Secondary School
Very good. Caring.

March 2018

March 2018 - Secondary School

March 2018 - Secondary School

March 2018 - Secondary School
Outstanding company. Professional and detailed service from start to finish. All employees from the Sales Rep to the ski rep were excellent to work with.

March 2018 - Secondary School
Excellent personalised service. Travel co-ordinator amazing in the build up to the trip. Actual trip went very well and was provided with an outstanding rep throughout.

February 2018 - Secondary School
EXCELLENT pre/during/post.

February 2018 - Secondary School
Great resort - excellent rep

February 2018 - Secondary School

January 2018
Excellent Organisation.

December 2017 - Secondary School

December 2017 - Secondary School
Made mistakes and struggled to take responsibility for them.