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YMCA National Centre Lakeside


No further information has been added by this provider yet.


The following reviews have been added by visit leaders using the EVOLVE system.
28 reviews


Very Good




(September 2024 - Primary School)

(July 2024 - Secondary School)

The centre is extremely well run, excellent food and facilities, great activities. Children had a wonderful experience. (July 2024 - Primary School)

(December 2023 - Secondary School)

Great new facilities. The children enjoyed their trip. Activities challenged each individual and leaders worked hard to ensure all children felt safe, valued and motivated. (November 2023 - Primary School)

(November 2023 - Secondary School)

(September 2023 - Secondary School)

Brilliant trip the children loved it. (July 2023)

(November 2022 - Secondary School)

A well established outdoor education provider. Staff are well trained and enjoy being in the outdoors with young people. (October 2022 - Secondary School)

Contrasting locality to home and brilliant facilities for the children to try and develop new skills. (June 2022 - Primary School)

(September 2021 - Primary School)

The YMCA National Centre, Lakeside, provided our young learners with satisfactory accommodations i.e. sleeping quaters, foods and beverages, H&S (November 2019 - Secondary School)

(September 2019 - Secondary School)

Great activities and looking forward to the new build. (September 2019 - Primary School)

(September 2019 - Secondary School)

(June 2019 - Primary School)

(April 2019 - Primary School)

Another excellent visit. The staff are outstanding and the planning and execution of the challenges is pitched perfectly. (March 2019 - Secondary School)

(December 2018)

A great centre catering for all requirements. Great activities in the outdoors (November 2018 - Secondary School)

(October 2018 - Secondary School)

(October 2018 - Secondary School)

(July 2018 - Primary School)

From a pupil perspective it was a fantastic experience and had the desired outcomes we intended. Due to our location in South camp and the construction work the centre were currently undergoing, we had difficulties meeting starting time of meal times and activities. Also we were restricted with accessing our area with our school minibus. This ideally needed to be factored in when they put together our timetable. (July 2018 - Secondary School)

We stayed in tented village at South Camp. The facilities were worse than usual due to building work. However, once finished (Spring 2019) I am sure this will be much improved. The course leaders and activities were excellent; challenging but with the right amount of supportive. We left having developed new skills and interests and with a lot of good memories. Definitely worth the long journey. (June 2018 - Primary School)

(March 2018 - Secondary School)

(February 2018 - Secondary School)


No further information has been added by this provider.


YMCA National Centre Lakeside
LA12 8BD


The following reviews have been added by visit leaders using the EVOLVE system.
28 reviews


Very Good




September 2024 - Primary School

July 2024 - Secondary School

July 2024 - Primary School
The centre is extremely well run, excellent food and facilities, great activities. Children had a wonderful experience.

December 2023 - Secondary School

November 2023 - Primary School
Great new facilities. The children enjoyed their trip. Activities challenged each individual and leaders worked hard to ensure all children felt safe, valued and motivated.

November 2023 - Secondary School

September 2023 - Secondary School

July 2023
Brilliant trip the children loved it.

November 2022 - Secondary School

October 2022 - Secondary School
A well established outdoor education provider. Staff are well trained and enjoy being in the outdoors with young people.

June 2022 - Primary School
Contrasting locality to home and brilliant facilities for the children to try and develop new skills.

September 2021 - Primary School

November 2019 - Secondary School
The YMCA National Centre, Lakeside, provided our young learners with satisfactory accommodations i.e. sleeping quaters, foods and beverages, H&S

September 2019 - Secondary School

September 2019 - Primary School
Great activities and looking forward to the new build.

September 2019 - Secondary School

June 2019 - Primary School

April 2019 - Primary School

March 2019 - Secondary School
Another excellent visit. The staff are outstanding and the planning and execution of the challenges is pitched perfectly.

December 2018

November 2018 - Secondary School
A great centre catering for all requirements. Great activities in the outdoors

October 2018 - Secondary School

October 2018 - Secondary School

July 2018 - Primary School

July 2018 - Secondary School
From a pupil perspective it was a fantastic experience and had the desired outcomes we intended. Due to our location in South camp and the construction work the centre were currently undergoing, we had difficulties meeting starting time of meal times and activities. Also we were restricted with accessing our area with our school minibus. This ideally needed to be factored in when they put together our timetable.

June 2018 - Primary School
We stayed in tented village at South Camp. The facilities were worse than usual due to building work. However, once finished (Spring 2019) I am sure this will be much improved. The course leaders and activities were excellent; challenging but with the right amount of supportive. We left having developed new skills and interests and with a lot of good memories. Definitely worth the long journey.

March 2018 - Secondary School

February 2018 - Secondary School