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Lichfield Cathedral


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The following reviews have been added by visit leaders using the EVOLVE system.
44 reviews


Very Good




(July 2024 - Primary School)

(July 2024 - Primary School)

(June 2024 - Primary School)

(June 2024 - Secondary School)

(June 2024)

As an RE visit, it did exactly what it said on the tin. Many of our Year 4 children had not been before and did not know what to expect, but they had a great time. The activities were balanced and met the needs of our RE curriculum, with lots to think about and plenty of ideas to bring back to school, with a view to incorporating them into our RE lessons. (May 2024 - Primary School)

(May 2024)

(February 2024 - Primary School)

(January 2024 - Primary School)

(December 2023 - Secondary School)

(October 2023 - Primary School)

(June 2023 - Primary School)

(June 2023 - Primary School)

(June 2023 - Primary School)

(June 2023 - Primary School)

(May 2023 - Primary School)

(December 2022 - Primary School)

(September 2022 - Primary School)

(July 2022 - Primary School)

(June 2022 - Primary School)

RE (May 2022 - Primary School)

(November 2021 - Primary School)

Excellent informative visit to learn about the history of the cathedral (July 2021 - Primary School)

(March 2020 - Secondary School)

(February 2020 - Primary School)

(February 2020 - Primary School)

(February 2020 - Secondary School)

The trip was fantastic and the children had a great time, asking many thoughtful and sensible questions. (September 2019 - Primary School)

(July 2019 - Primary School)

(June 2019 - Primary School)

The children and staff all enjoyed to experience of performing at Lichfield Cathedral. (June 2019 - Primary School)

(June 2019 - Secondary School)

(June 2019 - Primary School)

(June 2019 - Secondary School)

We had a really enjoyable day. Although the morning activities were arranged by ourselves, the cathedral was very welcoming and they found a good place indoors for us to eat our packed lunch with toilet facilities. We enjoyed the Christingle service very much. (February 2019 - Primary School)

Trip went really well. Tour guides were excellent with pupils. (January 2019 - Secondary School)

(December 2018 - Primary School)

(November 2018 - Primary School)

(November 2018 - Primary School)

(October 2018 - Primary School)

(June 2018 - Primary School)

(June 2018 - Primary School)

(June 2018 - Primary School)

(April 2018 - Primary School)


No further information has been added by this provider.


Lichfield Cathedral
WS13 7LD


The following reviews have been added by visit leaders using the EVOLVE system.
44 reviews


Very Good




July 2024 - Primary School

July 2024 - Primary School

June 2024 - Primary School

June 2024 - Secondary School

June 2024

May 2024 - Primary School
As an RE visit, it did exactly what it said on the tin. Many of our Year 4 children had not been before and did not know what to expect, but they had a great time. The activities were balanced and met the needs of our RE curriculum, with lots to think about and plenty of ideas to bring back to school, with a view to incorporating them into our RE lessons.

May 2024

February 2024 - Primary School

January 2024 - Primary School

December 2023 - Secondary School

October 2023 - Primary School

June 2023 - Primary School

June 2023 - Primary School

June 2023 - Primary School

June 2023 - Primary School

May 2023 - Primary School

December 2022 - Primary School

September 2022 - Primary School

July 2022 - Primary School

June 2022 - Primary School

May 2022 - Primary School

November 2021 - Primary School

July 2021 - Primary School
Excellent informative visit to learn about the history of the cathedral

March 2020 - Secondary School

February 2020 - Primary School

February 2020 - Primary School

February 2020 - Secondary School

September 2019 - Primary School
The trip was fantastic and the children had a great time, asking many thoughtful and sensible questions.

July 2019 - Primary School

June 2019 - Primary School

June 2019 - Primary School
The children and staff all enjoyed to experience of performing at Lichfield Cathedral.

June 2019 - Secondary School

June 2019 - Primary School

June 2019 - Secondary School

February 2019 - Primary School
We had a really enjoyable day. Although the morning activities were arranged by ourselves, the cathedral was very welcoming and they found a good place indoors for us to eat our packed lunch with toilet facilities. We enjoyed the Christingle service very much.

January 2019 - Secondary School
Trip went really well. Tour guides were excellent with pupils.

December 2018 - Primary School

November 2018 - Primary School

November 2018 - Primary School

October 2018 - Primary School

June 2018 - Primary School

June 2018 - Primary School

June 2018 - Primary School

April 2018 - Primary School