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Burwell House


No further information has been added by this provider yet.


The following reviews have been added by visit leaders using the EVOLVE system.
38 reviews


Very Good




(June 2024 - Primary School)

Burwell House stays are highly organised, offer a range of activities, deliver great food and have friendly knowledgeable staff. (May 2024 - Primary School)

(May 2024)

(May 2024)

(April 2024 - Primary School)

(April 2024 - Primary School)

(February 2024 - Primary School)

(January 2024 - Primary School)

(August 2023)

(May 2023)

(May 2023 - Primary School)

(February 2023 - Primary School)

(October 2022 - Primary School)

The Educational Visit to Burwell House was a success. Children all enjoyed themselves and were very well behaved. Activities were led by the venue and supported by school staff. Safety was paramount and children were aware of rules, which they stuck to. Children were able to enjoy independence at the enclosed site. Activities were long enough but pace was fast. Geographical experience in map reading, orientation, team building, science classification (pond dipping) were all experienced. A wonderful, positive, educational, enjoyable trip which was not too far to travel. Great operation – would highly recommend with any age, and for residentials in the future (though they book about 18 months in advance). (July 2022 - Primary School)

(July 2022 - Primary School)

(June 2022 - Primary School)

(May 2022 - Primary School)

(March 2022 - Primary School)

Burwell House was an excellent venue to take our class for their first residential trip. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the activities and meals. (January 2022 - Primary School)

(October 2021 - Primary School)

(June 2021 - Primary School)

The venue was well prepared for both the activities and Covid requirements. Staff were helpful, friendly and knowledgeable. (June 2021 - Primary School)

(March 2020 - Primary School)

(February 2020 - Primary School)

Always extremely organise, professional and well-managed. We always have everything we need and we will continue to plan our residential trips here. (November 2019 - Secondary School)

(September 2019 - Primary School)

Superb venue and excellent courses developed Super well trained staff (July 2019 - Primary School)

(June 2019 - Primary School)

(May 2019 - Primary School)

A super well organised venue with staff who really care about the children. They are always so welcoming and show endless patience with the children. We love the activities that we do and the children will be talking about the trip for months to come! Plus the food is amazing! (January 2019 - Primary School)

(January 2019 - Primary School)

Overall, the children thoroughly enjoyed the experience at Burwell House. The staff displayed a high level of professionalism, due to their excellent organisation and interactions with the children. This activities were (January 2019 - Primary School)

(October 2018 - Primary School)

(July 2018 - Primary School)

Very good facilities except for the large bedroom sizes on the first floor which made sleeping arrangements difficult. Only 4 stars due to the fact we couldn't access the building on the 2nd day because another school arrived and the activity leader we had on the second day did not interact with the children as well as the leader on the first day. (June 2018 - Primary School)

(April 2018 - Primary School)

(March 2018 - Primary School)

A perfect trip for this age group, all safe and secure, with children having the freedom to move around safely. (February 2018 - Primary School)


Burwell House
Burwell House
North St
CB25 0BB


Prices for 2 day residential visits start at £65 per head, for up to 55 students with exact price depending on school LA, time of year and the number of children attending

Opening Times

Throughout the year


No further information has been added by this provider.


Prices for 2 day residential visits start at £65 per head, for up to 55 students with exact price depending on school LA, time of year and the number of children attending

Opening Times

Throughout the year


Burwell House
Burwell House
North St
CB25 0BB


The following reviews have been added by visit leaders using the EVOLVE system.
38 reviews


Very Good




June 2024 - Primary School

May 2024 - Primary School
Burwell House stays are highly organised, offer a range of activities, deliver great food and have friendly knowledgeable staff.

May 2024

May 2024

April 2024 - Primary School

April 2024 - Primary School

February 2024 - Primary School

January 2024 - Primary School

August 2023

May 2023

May 2023 - Primary School

February 2023 - Primary School

October 2022 - Primary School

July 2022 - Primary School
The Educational Visit to Burwell House was a success. Children all enjoyed themselves and were very well behaved. Activities were led by the venue and supported by school staff. Safety was paramount and children were aware of rules, which they stuck to. Children were able to enjoy independence at the enclosed site. Activities were long enough but pace was fast. Geographical experience in map reading, orientation, team building, science classification (pond dipping) were all experienced. A wonderful, positive, educational, enjoyable trip which was not too far to travel. Great operation – would highly recommend with any age, and for residentials in the future (though they book about 18 months in advance).

July 2022 - Primary School

June 2022 - Primary School

May 2022 - Primary School

March 2022 - Primary School

January 2022 - Primary School
Burwell House was an excellent venue to take our class for their first residential trip. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the activities and meals.

October 2021 - Primary School

June 2021 - Primary School

June 2021 - Primary School
The venue was well prepared for both the activities and Covid requirements. Staff were helpful, friendly and knowledgeable.

March 2020 - Primary School

February 2020 - Primary School

November 2019 - Secondary School
Always extremely organise, professional and well-managed. We always have everything we need and we will continue to plan our residential trips here.

September 2019 - Primary School

July 2019 - Primary School
Superb venue and excellent courses developed Super well trained staff

June 2019 - Primary School

May 2019 - Primary School

January 2019 - Primary School
A super well organised venue with staff who really care about the children. They are always so welcoming and show endless patience with the children. We love the activities that we do and the children will be talking about the trip for months to come! Plus the food is amazing!

January 2019 - Primary School

January 2019 - Primary School
Overall, the children thoroughly enjoyed the experience at Burwell House. The staff displayed a high level of professionalism, due to their excellent organisation and interactions with the children. This activities were

October 2018 - Primary School

July 2018 - Primary School

June 2018 - Primary School
Very good facilities except for the large bedroom sizes on the first floor which made sleeping arrangements difficult. Only 4 stars due to the fact we couldn't access the building on the 2nd day because another school arrived and the activity leader we had on the second day did not interact with the children as well as the leader on the first day.

April 2018 - Primary School

March 2018 - Primary School

February 2018 - Primary School
A perfect trip for this age group, all safe and secure, with children having the freedom to move around safely.